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Saturday, February 19, 2011
To rejuvenate the medical system of the most ancient civilization and most ancient language of the indian subcontinent in God's own counry which originated from the Kamandalu(Sacret pot) of Agasthiyar who lived in Agasthiyarkudam and attained Samadhi in Ananthasayanam (Thiruvananathapuram)
Siddha Medicine - A gift for the human being from Siddhars !
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You may address your Questions to the Doctor through
Kariyabolam+Amla juice applied externally on Hairs Take ayabringaraja karpam 10gm+ sangu paspam 20gm +Thiripala chooranam 100gm ...
whats the botanical name of the herb "ponn vanna sali"
i want to know the scope and feture salary of a siddha doctor when i finish it.
shall we eat non veg when taking siddha medicine for nervous disorder and vata kappa doshashall we eat non veg when taking siddha medicine for nervous disorder and vata kappa dosha
Do you have agatiyar vasathi legium. i live in chennai. do you have any store in chennai
S. Sankara Naraayanan
As i need herbs and herbal roots for exports bulk qty kindly send me the details who manufacturing herbs and herbal roots
my email :
Is the treatment given at Mukkali valliyammal cancer institute - reliable?? Do they use the correct herbs( my relative is getting cancer treatment) please help.
thanks for your reply
is there any fully cure treatment for HIV+?
Dear sir,
I am Mahesh Raja from Madurai, Tamilnadu. This is my first post in this forum.
My Aunty has affected by the Breast cancer and also the
doctors removed one side breast. The 6 injections treatment is going on.
But now she is afraid about the chemotherapy.
Sir still want to know, Is there any books for cancer treatment in sidha with the complete curing medicines.
If you know please send me the details of that books.
Thank you
respected sir iam unable to have sex no mood no power no stamena cant able to stand on sex more than 5 minutes.......iam very unhappy recentlly married planning to have kids........3 years before i had sex with one girl after few days yellowish come from penis so i went for enligh medicines they gave one injection but still after one week no cure so they gave another injection its cured.......but so far i never approach any doctor eventhough i have sex problem recently i approach one ayurvedic doctor in hyd he gave some mediciens he coollected money but only for 15 days he gave i also never check he ask me use for 3 months and i paid for 3 far i saw 15 days no result so i though stop going to see that ayurvedic health is fine and i dont have any sick but only sex problem.......kindly help me and tell me the correct cure.........doctors are equal to god eventhough paying not getting good results really dont know whom to see and who to trust......pls help me.
sir is there any perminent cure of getting nagitive for hiv
Respected Dr.
My name is Cheshtitam Davids Kleiners
I live in Latvia, Europe.
I suffer from epilepsy from 13 years of age, I’m now 32 (born 05.11.1979).
From 13 years of age I follow allopathic medicine. Dosage: Lamictal 100mg at 6pm, Trileptal 300mg 3tablets between 6 and 11 pm, Clonamazepam 2mg half tablet before sleep.
I don’t take medicine before 6pm because I don’t have attacks before.
In 2 past years attacks became more frequent – 2 times a month, but shorter, not always I lose consciousness for 20 minuites, but just for few seconds, fall on knees and elbows and immediately get up. I don’t have headackes and weakness for many days like before. Now I just loose coordination for a short time.
I have two goals: to treat the disease fully with systems as ayurveda, siddha or unani for I believe in them and get off allopathic medicine completely.
I’m searching for a doctor who would be ready to take full responsibility of my case.
Could it be You? If yes, please tell me Your conditions and span of healing period, so I can decide if I can afford it. More information about You would be advisable.
P.S. I have come to India 4 times before, but it was more as piligrimage.
Please contact:
Cheshtitam Davids Kleiners
Hello Dr.
My brother is suffering with anal fistula problem and consulted Dr. he said that only operation will cure this problem and there is no medicine and cost for operation is 20-30k.
One of our friend referred Ayurweda and Siddha will sure without operation, so with his reference he went to siddha Dr. He said it is cureable by siddha without operation but we were shocked that the cost for the treatment was higher than operation (40k).
we are not wealth family to spend more money, my brother is having insurance but that will not cover the siddha treatment.
Please advice me regarding this, and let me know if you have any clinic or consulting at Chennai. We need proper treatment.
below is my contact details
I am suffered from psoriasis , i have patches my two legs and hand joints, and stomac thoppule, ear also,
may kindly advice to me please.
Dry Sweet Flag root (Acorus calamus) to cure epilepsy (apasmara)
Hallo respectful doctor. I suffer from apasmara from 13 years of age, I’m now 33.
Fits may happen once in 1 or 2 months. I live in town, but also have a country house and tremendous believe in ayurveda, siddha, other preparation of natural igredients, I also know a little of basics of ayurveda. At september 2012 in country I collected a very high-quality roots of sweetflag and put hem to dry. In various sources is mentioned that root of sweetflag cures desieses of nervous system and epilepsy. If not cure, it will make the situation better. So I’m up to prepare medicine myself, but first to ask Your opinion about ingredients, proportions and preparation.
You can surely advice other items to make it more effective. I hope I’ll be able to buy them to add. In the book I have there’s recommended just to take the root and boil it. I believe it’s not the approach of ayurveda and siddha. Please recommend the ingredients, moon-time for preparation, all You would see important from the beginning to the end, including manner of taking it.
Please write to:
Namaste Respected Doctors.
Please hire me for simple job at Your healthcare institution. I know the basis of ayurveda as well as perfect english. I'm web-designer and artist (painter) from Latvia. My salary can be usual, You just need to send me right work invitation for me to make at least a one year eployment visa. You will not be dissapointed for our cooperation.
I will look forward Your answer!
Can breast cancer is curable through sidha medicine????
Iwant to reduce weight .I am 75 now an my height is 5.3. kindly help.
I am having occasional panic attacks and anxiety disorder for the past 10 months. I am taking allopathic medicine for this. now i am comfortable. i want to switch over to natural method.Kindly let me know what to do now.... My allopathic dr said to continue antidepressive drug for minimum one year
How to improve the Sperm Count & Motality. As well as for good sexual activities. Whether Ashwagandha will help to improve Sperm Count ?
Sir i had acidity problem past 4years i had already used government sidha medicine for 4months and i stopped but if i had any outside foods means in hotels like that and very spicies food amgetting burning sensational feeling plz give me an currable way
Can I have the address and contact number of Sitthar Vaithiyar at Ullor Kerala,Taikaat sehri?
Sir I have nasal polyps fast4 year I had more medicine in unani,homeopathic,allopathy but not cure pls advice to me.thanking you
i have a heat pimples on my face.its irritating.pls tell me the home remedy for that. so many pimples are there
is there any siddha specialist treating neuro-muscular problems?
Doctor Sahab
I am 38 years ;single parent with one issue age 16 years.I start developing gynaec problems 8 yrs back; six years back my right ovary has been operated for the ovarian cyst. Since last three years I am diagnosed with Uterine Fibroid I underwent allopathic treatment than homeopathic but both were of no use .now I have two fibroids in my uterus .
I have heavy bleeding ;clots are regular feature to it.
I am diagnosed with severe anaemia.
the stain of bleeding donot wash off.
I feel numbness in my foot soul and palm.
some secretion watery no color discharge with pain followed by cramping in lower abdomen .
doctors has advised ince I have been operated for right ovary and gall bladder in past I am scared of more surgery than a friend suggest for siddha vaidya treatm,ent and thus I am writing you.kindly tell me what moe information is required for my treatment as I want to be fit at the earlist without surgery.
namaskar looking for your reply
Doctor Sahab
I am 38 years ;single parent with one issue age 16 years.I start developing gynaec problems 8 yrs back; six years back my right ovary has been operated for the ovarian cyst. Since last three years I am diagnosed with Uterine Fibroid I underwent allopathic treatment than homeopathic but both were of no use .now I have two fibroids in my uterus .
I have heavy bleeding ;clots are regular feature to it.
I am diagnosed with severe anaemia.
the stain of bleeding donot wash off.
I feel numbness in my foot soul and palm.
some secretion watery no color discharge with pain followed by cramping in lower abdomen .
doctors has advised ince I have been operated for right ovary and gall bladder in past I am scared of more surgery than a friend suggest for siddha vaidya treatm,ent and thus I am writing you.kindly tell me what moe information is required for my treatment as I want to be fit at the earlist without surgery.
namaskar looking for your reply
DO you visit chennai ?
Please provide the address or mobile number for the same.
Sir got nasal polys .. any suggestions to get rid of this!!
Raj - Bangalore
my name is micheal. my friend is affectesw in HIV this disease cure or not tell me sir, Email
I am looking for nadi chikitsa vaidyan for my Father who had a heart attack and is partially paralysed. Could you please help me with the contact nos. ?
How I Got My Ex Husband Back...........
I am Shannon by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my husband after three(3) years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address , have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me and after 2 days that i will have my husband back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my husband. Thanks for Dr.Mako. His email: OR. his phone number: +2348108737816.
Sir, how can we mix kariyabolam with amla for white hair
Sirs am suffering from psoriasis some says its ezema, more than 14 years I took treatment in Kotakal arya vaidya sala, Chennai, no improvement, then Imcops Chennai 1 year, but still no improvement, itching head to feet is horrible, down back side of head scalp has white flakes its increasing day by day. Here I read that Sivanar Vembu Choornam is a good remedy for that.
Please let me know how to intake what is the dosage, how long have to take.
Help me to come out of this prolong inconvenience. Thanking you.
Please let me know whether there is any effective medical management of Motor Neuron Disease in Siddha medicine. Thanks
Hello Dr.,
My name is Ioannis.
I live in Germany.
I suffer from hashimotos thyroiditis (hypothyoidism).
I have often no energy, often tired, low blood pressure, etc.
I am a student, but I can not follow my studies to help me, my parents and all my family in the future.
I follow my allopathic medicine.
dosage 75 μg L-thyroxin at 9am.But I am not happy with the medicine, because I have to take these medicine my whole life, said the allopathic doctor.
My tsh was at the beginning very high and also the TPO AK.
My dreams and my two goals are to treat the disease fully with systems as siddha, aryuveda or unani for I believe in them and get off allopathic medicine completely.
Is there a hope ?
P.S. sorry, if I make mistakes, my english is not so good, but I try my best.
Thank you,
Is there any medicine or otamooli available for epididymal cysts?
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