Sunday, May 15, 2011

Cissus quandragulus wonderful herb for osteoporosis !

It stimulating activity of osteoblasts.Its Emmenogogal property assures its activity on rising oestrogen levels thus causing prevention of IL-1 activity thus it has protective activity of bones.root powder may be usful to prevent Osteoporosis.It is the rejuvanator for bones.Periodic use of meat of goat and cissus plant will prevent osteoporosis.


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To rejuvenate the medical system of the most ancient civilization and most ancient language of the indian subcontinent in God's own counry which originated from the Kamandalu(Sacret pot) of Agasthiyar who lived in Agasthiyarkudam and attained Samadhi in Ananthasayanam (Thiruvananathapuram)

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