8:45 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
AKSDF is an orgnization of qualified A class Registered Practioners since 1998.It respresents all strata of academicians,Doctors in Government service,researchers,Doctors of Medicine industry,PG scholars and students
8:11 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
1)To recognize siddha as the National system of medicine,health science of India
2)To utilize all available advancements and technology in the field of medicine for the growth of siddha
3)To motivate research in the field of Siddha and utilize its outcome for the welfare of the public
4)To enhancement of public /community health
5)To ban unrecognized/unauthorized/unrecognized/unauthorized/unscientific treatment modalities and to unveil such persons
6)To modify curiculm in tune with contemporary health issues
7)To take necessary steps for the utilization and preservation of medicinal plants.
7:41 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
*Significantly improves sperm count and motility
*Improves semen profile by inhibiting lipid peroxidation and elevating spermatogenesis
*Improves biochemical parameters in seminal plasma by restoring the levels of lipids ,antioxidant vitamins A,E,C and fructose
*Helps in management of stress related infertility
7:15 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
It increases milk secretion during lactation
A rich source of phytoestrogens
It has estrogenic effect on the female mammary glands and reproductive system
Boosts postpartum health
9:37 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
Contains natural brohexine,a widely used mucolytic agent-Liberates lysosomal enzymes into the cytoplasm inside the secretory cells,which then enzymatically dissolve acid glycoprotein(AGP) molecules of the mucus
*Exerts bronchodilatory and expectorant properties
*supportive theraphy for symptomatic relief in lung TB cases and pulmonary infections.
8:51 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
*The sugar destroyer reduces cravings for sweet foods
*Helps inhibit hyperglycemia
*Has a regenerative effect on pancreatic beta cells and is insulinotropic
*Offers the benficial phytochemical-gymnemic acld
8:21 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
*Exhibits anti-inflammatory activity by suppressing P.acnes -induced ROS and pro-inflammatory cytokines -TNF -Alpha and IL-8
*Exhibits antibacterial,antiviral,anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties
*Removes toxins from the body and purifies blood
*Has antioxidant properties
*Hence provides a glowing complexion
4:49 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
asthmatic attack occurs usually sudden in middle of night
*There is a feeling of tightness in the chest
*Wheezing may be heard at a distance
On auscultation
*plenty of rhonchi
*Inspiration short and high pitched
*Expiration prolonged
Peripheral blood film shows high eosinophils
*Swasakudori Tab-2 pills with thalisa pathra kudineer
*Thippali Rasayanam-6gm B.D After food
*Sivanar amirtham chendooram-200mg B.D with honey
1)Breathing exercises like pranayama very useful
2)Avoid curd,butter milk,banana
3)Give up smoking
4)Use of Ginger juice
Panchakarma treatments
Abyanga swadana
Naranga kizi
Snehapana etc
9:07 AM
Dr.Arun Baby
*Take Satwic food like Honey,fruits,Leafy vegetables for disease free Life
*Avoid Tamasic foods like alcohol ,Tobacco ,Narcotic drugs etc
*Take food after completion of digestion(6 hours need for a complete digestion)
*Take kayakalpa foods(Rejuvenating herbs) like goosberry with honey,Dried ginger with honey etc (108 Kayakalpa drugs mentioned in siddha )
*Decrease the level of Rajasic foods like spicy food,Red meat,Fast foods,Fried food,Oily food
*Avoid over cooked food.If you heat honey 65'c It turn to Carcinogenic substance
*Avoid intaken of some mixed foods like buttermilk and fish,butter and honey etc
*Avoid more intaken of sour taste foods like Tamirind and Salty foods like Pickles
12:57 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disorder and mainly weight bearing and frequently used joints.
*Pain in affected joints is provoked by movement and relived by rest.
*Crepitus may be felt
*Patient may experince joint pain with changes in weather.
Laboratory findings
Blood count and E.S.R normal in
Radiographs show loss of joint space and formation of marginal osteophytes
Venpusini Nei-1tsp B.D after food
Arumuga chendooram+Trikadugu choornam 100mg B.D with honey before food
External treatments
Abyanga swedana
Dhanyamla dara
Uzunthu Thylam externally
11:02 AM
Dr.Arun Baby
A patient is labelled as a case of repeated or habitual abortion if she gets 3 or more consecutive abortions
1)Venpusani nei-15 ml TDS
2)Idi vallathi-2gm with palm jaggery with honey
3)Thanga basmam-200mg with honey
Diet Regimen
Complete bed rest
Foot end of bed must be kept raised
No excercise
Avoid coitus
Avoid Sour,Pungent food items like spices,pickle etc
2:50 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
Comprehensive control of hypertension
*It increase coronary artery flow,and protects mayocardium against ischemic damage
*Lowers blood pressure to a significant level
Significantly decreases the ischemic mitral regurgitation,improves E/A ratio and considerably reduces anginal frequency
1:28 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
1)Centella asiatica
2)Bacopa moneri
3)Acorus calamus
4)Clitoria ternatia
Theraputic uses
*memory booster
*Improves learning capacity
*Corrects mental fatigue and dementia
*Increases concentration ability
1:10 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
Bark of Saraca asoka and root of Asparagus racemosa are very good uterine tonics.They
*Regulates menstrual cycle
*Corrects Hormonal secretions
*Repairs endometrium&controls DUB
*Added advantages of phytoestrogens
12:52 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
Tremor is usually the feature which causes patient to seek advice
*pill rolling movements of hand
*Cog wheel muscular rigidity
*Steps are short and shuffling
*Speech is often affected
1)Karuppu vishnu chakkram-50mg with honey B.D
2)Chandamarutha chendooram 50mg with honey B.D
3)Navauppu mezugu-100 mg B.D
4)poonaikkali vithai choornam mixed with amukkura choornam 1tspoon B.d with hot water
5)Ulundu thylam-external use
6)Panchakarma treatments
a)Abyanga swedana
b)Nasia with ksheerabala 101
c)Njavara kizi
10:38 AM
Dr.Arun Baby
To rejuvenate the medical system of the most ancient civilization and most ancient language of the indian subcontinent in God's own counry which originated from the Kamandalu(Sacret pot) of Agasthiyar who lived in Agasthiyarkudam and attained Samadhi in Ananthasayanam (Thiruvananathapuram)
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