Dr.Arun Baby

Journey to Chathuragiri to find Siddha Mooligai

Dr.Arun Baby

At the top of Chathuragiri (April 12th, 2009)

Arun Baby

Korakkar Siddhar Cave of Chathuragiri

Dr.Arun Baby


Dr.Arun Baby

Vishnu Uppu collected from Rameshwaram Sea

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

2) SIDDHA MEDICINAL PLANT -Zingiber officinale

 CUKKU (Dried Rhizome) - ²‚°

            Cukku  is the dried rhizome of Zingiber officinale Rosc. (Fam. Zingiberaceae), widely cultivated in India; rhizomes dug in January - February, buds and roots removed, soaked overnight in water, decorticated and some times treated with lime and dried. It grows  in Ku¼iµci and Marutham  thi¸ai.


Tamil              :           Cu¸·i (²‡®), Ularnta Iµci (àô˜‰î Þ…C), V®rkkompu («õ˜‚ªè£‹¹), Vi·am£·iya Amirtam (MìÍ®ò ÜI˜î‹)
Assamese         :           Adasuth, Aadar shuth
Bengali           :           Suntha, Sunthi
English            :           Ginger root, Ginger
Gujrati            :           Sunth, Sundh, Suntha
Hindi               :           Sonth
Kannada          :           Shunthi
Kashmiri         :           Shonth
Malayalam      :           Chukku
Marathi           :           Sunth
Oriya               :           Sunthi
Punjabi            :           Sund
Sanskrit           :           Ardraka, Ausadha, Mahausadha, Visvabhesaja, Srngavera, Visva, Visvausadha
Telugu             :           Sonthi, Sunti
Urdu                :           Sonth, Zanjabeel

a) Macroscopic
Rhizome, laterally compressed bearing short, flattish, ovate, oblique, branches on upper side each having at its apex a depressed scar, pieces about 5 to15 cm. long, 1.5 to 6.5 cm. wide usually 3 to 4 cm. and 1 to 1.5 cm. thick; externally buff coloured showing longitudinal striations and occasional loose fibres; fracture short, smooth, transverse surface exhibiting narrow cortex, (about one-third of radius) a well-marked endodermis, a wide stele showing numerous scattered fibro-vascular bundles and yellow secreting cells when examined under 10x lens; odour agreeable and aromatic; taste agreeable and pungent.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of rhizome shows cortex of isodiametric thin-walled parenchyma with scattered vascular strands and numerous isodiametric idioblasts, about 40 to 80 µm in diameter containing a yellowish to reddish-brown oleo-resin; endodermis slightly thick walled, free from starch; immediately inside endodermis a row of nearly continuous collateral bundles usually without fibres, stele of thin-walled, parenchyma cells, arranged radially around numerous scattered, collateral vascular bundles, each consisting of a few unlignified, reticulate or spiral vessels upto about 70 µm in diameter; a group of phloem cells, unlignified, thin-walled; septate fibres upto about 30 µm wide and 600 µm long with small oblique slit like pits present; numerous scattered idioblasts, similar those of cortex, and associated with vascular bundles, also present; idioblasts about 8 to 20 µm wide and upto 130 µm  long with dark reddish-brown contents; in single or in axial rows, adjacent to vessels, present; parenchyma of cortex and stele packed with flattened, rectangular, ovate starch grains upto 60 µm long about 25 µm wide and 7µm thick, marked by fine concentric striations.
Cream; shows groups of polygonal thin walled parenchyma cells; yellowish to reddish brown oleo-resin cells; unlignified fibres, vessels with annular,  reticulate or spiral thickening; numerous round to oval  starch grains upto 60 µm long, about 25 µm wide and 7 ìm thick marked by fine concentric striations.

Foreign matter                                    Not more than   1    per cent, Appendix         2.2.2.
Total Ash                                            Not more than   6   per cent, Appendix          2.2.3.
Water soluble ash                               Not more than   1.5   per cent, Appendix       2.2.5.
Alcohol-soluble extractive                 Not less than    3    per cent, Appendix          2.2.6.
Water-soluble extractive                    Not less than    10    per cent, Appendix        2.2.7.

T.L.C. of the Alcoholic extract on silica gel 'G' plate using n-Hexane: Diethyl ether (4:6) v/v shows two spots under  (UV light 366 nm) at Rf. 0.55 and 0.60 (both sky blue). On exposure to iodine vapours  seven spots appear at Rf. 0.23, 0.27, 0.43, 0.50, 0.55,0.81 and 0.94(all yellow). On spraying with Vanillin- Sulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate, for five minutes at 105°C eight spots appear at Rf. 0.23 (blackish brown), 0.27 (blackish brown), 0.37 (violet), 0.50 (violet), 0.60 (brown), 0.67 (brown), 0.81 (violet) and 0.94 (violet).

            Gingerols, shogaols, dihydrogingerol, gingerdione, hexahydrocurcumin and desmethyl hexahydrocurcumin, á -zingiberene, ß-sesquiphellandrene, ar-curcumene, lipids, proteins, fats, waxes, and starch.

Cuvai             :           K¡rppu (裘Š¹)
Gu¸am           :           Ilaku (Þô°), Noymai (ªï£Œ¬ñ)
V¢rium          :           Veppam (ªõŠð‹)
Pirivu            :           K¡rppu (裘Š¹)
Ceykai           :           Aka··uv¡yvaka¼¼i (Ü膴õ£ŒõèŸP), Pacitt¢t£¸·i (ðCˆbɇ®), Veppamu¸·¡kki (ªõŠðº‡ì£‚A)

            Cukku Tailam (²‚° ¬îô‹), Ól¡tic C£ra¸aÆ (ãô£F„ Åóí‹), Nilav¡kaic C£ra¸am (Gôõ£¬è„ Åóí‹), Paµcat¢p¡kkiºi C£ra¸am (ð…êbð£‚AQ Åóí‹), P¡vaºakka·ukk¡y (ð£õù‚贂裌), Tayircu¸·icc£ra¸am (îJ˜²‡®„Åóí‹), Tirika·ukuc C£ra¸am (FKè´°„ Åóí‹)

DOSE  -  Powder 500 mg - 1g


 AMUKKARË (Root) - ܺ‚èó£

            Amukkar¡  is the dried root of Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal Syn. Physalis somnifera L., P. flexuosa L., P. arborescense DC. (Fam. Solanaceae), a perennial shrub, found in waste land, cultivated fields and open grounds throughout India. It is also cultivated in certain areas of Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. Roots are collected in winter, washed and cut into small pieces.The dried root is subjected to purification process before use.  It grows in Mullai and Marutham thi¸ai.


Tamil              :           Acuvakanthi (ܲõè‰F), Amukkar¡ Ki¾a´ku (ܺ‚èó£ Aöƒ°)
Assamese         :           Ashvagandha
Bengali           :           Ashvagandha
Gujrati            :           Asgandha
Hindi               :           Asgandh
Kannada          :           Angarberu, Hiremaddina- gida
Kashmiri         :           Asagandh
Malayalam      :           Amukkuram
Marathi           :           Asagandha, Askagandha
Oriya               :           Aswagandha
Punjabi            :           Asgandh
Sanskrit           :           Asvagandha, Hayagandha, Vajigandha
Telugu             :           Pennerugadda
Urdu                :           Asgand
a) Macroscopic
Roots straight, unbranched, thickness varying with age, roots bear fibre-like secondary roots, outer surface buff to grey-yellow with longitudinal wrinkles; crown consists of remains of variously thickened stem bases; fracture short and uneven; odour characteristic; taste bitter and acrid.
b) Microscopic
Transverse section of root shows cork exfoliated or crushed; when present rectangular, radially flattened and non-lignified; cork cambium 2 to 4 diffused rows of cells; secondary cortex about twenty layers of compact parenchymatous cells mostly filled with starch grains; phloem consists of sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem parenchyma; cambium 4 or 5 rows of tangentially elongated cells; xylem hard forming a closed vascular ring separated by multiseriate medullary rays.
Yellowish grey; shows cork cells, parenchyma cells, tracheids, vessels, fibres and starch grains.
Foreign matter                                    Not more than   2    per cent, Appendix         2.2.2.
Total Ash                                            Not more than   7    per cent, Appendix         2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash                              Not more than   1   per cent, Appendix          2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive                 Not less than     15    per cent, Appendix       2.2.6.
Water-soluble extractive                    Not less than    27    per cent, Appendix        2.2.7.

                                             HPLC conditions for the separation of   withaferin A in Alcohol extract.
                                             Mobile phase      :          n- Hexane: Isopropanol (9:1)
                                             Flow rate            :          0.2 ml./min.
                                             Column              :          Porasil A coiled column (1.2ft. x 1/8 inch)
                                             Detector             :          UV at 225 nm
T.L.C. of Petroleum ether soluble fraction of Alcohol extract on an aluminium plate  precoated with silica gel 60 F254 (E.Merck) 0.2 mm. thickness using Petroleum ether (80 -100° C): Chloroform (1:1) spraying with 10%  Methanolic Sulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate for ten minutes at 105ºC shows two spots at Rf. 0.17 (violet) and 0.92 (greyish brown).
            Withanolides- withaferin A, withanone, withanolides I, II, III, III A, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, WS-I, P and S, withasomidienone, cuscohygrine, anahygrine, tropine, pseudotropine, anaferine, isopellatierine, 3- tropyltigloate.

Cuvai             :           Kaippu (¬èŠ¹)
Gu¸am           :           Ilaku (Þô°)
V¢rium          :           Veppam (ªõŠð‹)
Pirivu            :           K¡rppu (裘Š¹)
Ceykai           :           ˸maiperukki (݇¬ñªð¼‚A), Ci¼un¢rperukki (CÁc˜ªð¼‚A), K¡yaka¼pam¡kki (è£òèŸðñ£‚A), U¼akkamu¸·¡kki (àø‚躇죂A), Uram¡kki (àóñ£‚A), U·alveppaka¼¼i (à왪õŠðèŸP), U·a¼t®¼¼i (à쟫îŸP), V¢kkamurukki (i‚躼‚A)

            Amukkar¡c C£ra¸am (ܺ‚èó£„ Åóí‹), Iracakanthi Me¾uku (Þóêè‰F ªñ¿°), I·ivall¡thi Me¾uku (Þ®õ™ô£F ªñ¿°), Kantaka Irac¡yaºam (è‰îè Þóê£òù‹), Mak¡ Ól¡thi Ku½ikai (ñè£ ãô£F °O¬è), Mak¡vall¡ti I½akam (ñè£õ™ô£F Þ÷è‹), Nanthi Me¾uku (ï‰F ªñ¿°), N¡rathtai I½akam (ï£óˆ¬î Þ÷è‹), Pa¼a´kippa··ai Irac¡yaºam (ðøƒAŠð†¬ì Þóê£òù‹)


DOSE  -  Powder 3 - 6 g


To rejuvenate the medical system of the most ancient civilization and most ancient language of the indian subcontinent in God's own counry which originated from the Kamandalu(Sacret pot) of Agasthiyar who lived in Agasthiyarkudam and attained Samadhi in Ananthasayanam (Thiruvananathapuram)

Siddha Medicine - A gift for the human being from Siddhars !

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