Dr.Arun Baby

Journey to Chathuragiri to find Siddha Mooligai

Dr.Arun Baby

At the top of Chathuragiri (April 12th, 2009)

Arun Baby

Korakkar Siddhar Cave of Chathuragiri

Dr.Arun Baby


Dr.Arun Baby

Vishnu Uppu collected from Rameshwaram Sea

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Chronic Psoriatic Patches removing 75 % After 17 days Takra Dhara Treatments

IMPCOPS Director Dr.Arunbaby in various functions of IMPCOPS

Central Council of Indian Medicine Members (SIDDHA ) with Vice President Dr.Ambai Arunachalam BSMS MD (S)

Rasamamani (Mercurial Beed ) in Siddha

Siddha Exhibition,Classes,Medical Camp at AYUSH Exhibition ,Kannur

Red Aloe Vera mainly used in Cancer Cases

Siddha Oil Chirattai Thylam best for Alopacia cases

Siddha Herbs in Indian Postal Stamps

Dr.Arunbaby,Director IMPCOPS Ltd Chennai at Director Board Meeting , Coimbatore 5-5-2015

Pambatti Siddhar Samadi at Maruthamalai Coimbatore


To rejuvenate the medical system of the most ancient civilization and most ancient language of the indian subcontinent in God's own counry which originated from the Kamandalu(Sacret pot) of Agasthiyar who lived in Agasthiyarkudam and attained Samadhi in Ananthasayanam (Thiruvananathapuram)

Siddha Medicine - A gift for the human being from Siddhars !

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