9:10 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
This disease is seen among male children rather than female. The reasons for this is still mostly unknown. But some vague theories still prevail. In siddha line of thinking some iregularities or disorders during pregnancy and child delivery time, might have been a cause for this.
This is a disease of "Vatha humor ".The dhathu it affects is "Majhai dhathu ".Majhai dhathu "is seen less in quantity in such affected children. SIddha medicines prepared in "ghee" are to be better preferred in treatment.
Most Siddha medicines using ADHD treatment are also useful in this case.
Unfortunately many so - called "Varma physicans " of Kanyakumari district are applying strenuous body massage and pressing vital points of children. It is clearly "a wrong choice ".But some "light sirodhara "can be done. But many oral medicines using in Varma are very effective in Autism.
Speech therapy is advisible for such patients. Most special schools having this available now.
Constant tratment for 3 to 5 years can be achieved 75%results. In Siddha systems hundreds of medicines are available for and at intervals medicines should be changed.
Better discourage English medicines as they may in future result Obesity and permanent damage for adrenal glands
Combinations of following medicines are to be considered. Better select 1 Kudineer, 1 ney, 1 lehyam, one parpam or chendooram for a course.
1.drakshadi kudineer
2.athimadura kudineer
3.kurunthotti pal kudineer
4.kshaya kulanthaga chendooram
5.pavizha parpam
6.Muthu parpam
7.Velli parpam
8.Bhoonaga chendooram
9.Linga kattu Chendooram
10.Vallarai lehyam
11.Venpoosani lehyam
12.Bhrhmi lehyam
13.bhrahmi ney
14.Vani ney
15.Venpoosani ney
16.Swaraswatha ney (Ayurveda )
17.Swaraswatha aristam (Ayurveda )
18.Manasamithra vadakam (Ayurveda )
19.bhoonaga thailam (internal use )
20.Bala sarvangam (internal use )
21.Vatha Sanni Sarvangam (internal use)
22.Kukkuda Sahajarathi Mukootu (internal use )
23.aswhagandha bala lakshadi thailam (for head )
24.Karimchoora pattai thailam (for head )
Etc...etc..are some of the result oriented siddha medicines for Autism
7:47 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
Considering the demands and complaints of the All in Kerala, the state government has decided to give immense priority in the proposed health policy of the government for Siddha treatment system, almost equal to Ayurveda. Government plans to promote the system in the state providing support for establishing all kinds of infrastructure facilities.
The Siddha medical graduates’ major demand was to set up one public sector drug manufacturing unit for Siddha. The proposed health policy gives considerable significance to the demand for providing high quality medicines to the public health initiatives for which one exclusive Siddha drug manufacturing unit will be set up.
In the meantime to meet the demand, steps would be taken to equip the existing public sector drug manufacturing unit, Oushadhi to produce Siddha medicines.
Another important proposal for Siddha is that the department of Ayush will conduct one feasibility study for starting Siddha hospitals in district and taluk levels. Further, dispensaries would be started in a phased manner. Very shortly, the number of Siddha dispensaries would be increased.
Siddha system would be given significant emphasize in sports medicines also. Considering the scope of ‘Varma Maruthuvam’ in healing injuries to the energy points in the body, a separate wing for treating sports injuries and other similar traumatic emergencies would be explored through Siddha Varma Therapy.
Similarly efficacy study would be conducted to assess the scope of Siddha to start de-addiction centres. As part of establishing Ayush Infertility Centres, the potential of Siddha would be explored. The government has the mega proposal that a joint Ayush Fertility Centre and Intervention Programme would be launched to reduce the causes for high incidence of infertility in the state.
One Varma Research Institute would be started for Siddha system. Grant would be provided for research projects focusing on the efficacy of all Ayush systems in public health care.
5:02 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
Siddha practitioners in Kerala will soon
urge Chennai based ‘Impcops’ to open one sales depot in Kozhikode
Peethaambaran Kunnathoor, Chennai
Saturday, March 12, 2016, 08:00 Hrs [IST]
To meet the increasing demand for Siddha
and Unani medicines in Kerala, especially in the northern part
(Malabar), the All Kerala Siddha Doctors’ Forum (AKSDF) along with Unani
physicians group will soon urge the Chennai based The Indian Medical
Practitioners Co-operative Pharmacy (Impcops) to open one sales depot in
the Malabar area.
It is viewed that there is immense demand for
Siddha and Unani medicines in the northern part of the state, where a
lot of practitioners of both the Ayush systems are practicing.
Presently, the Ayush healthcare institutions and patients are depending
on the state government owned Oushadhi for availing their medical
requirements. The practitioners of Siddha feel that if one sales depot
of Impcops is opened in Kozhikode, it would benefit the whole people of
the entire Malabar area.
“Among the 25 sales depots of Impcops
operating in various parts of the country, one is in Thrivananthapuram,
near to the Siddha hospital. Oushadhi also procures medicines from this
depot for supplying to the Siddha hospital and dispensaries, and Unani
institutions. Ninety per cent of the medicines from this depot is bought
by Oushadi for Kerala’s domestic use. Medicines to the 28 institutions
under the central project (NHM) are also supplied by Oushadhi. Whereas,
the Central Siddha Research Council (CCRS) at Thrivananthapuram is
directly buying medicines from this depot for their research work. For
researches, medicines without containing preservatives have to be used.
It is generally believed that Impcops do not add preservatives in
medicines. That is why, they bring out ‘Kashaayam’ in powder form,” said
Dr. Arun Baby, president of AKSDF.
He said if one more depot is
opened in Thrissur district, Oushadhi can reduce their risk in
collecting and distributing medicines from Thrivananthapuram depot. The
depot in the state capital is very much profit making and its turnover
is increasing every year. The total revenue in the last fiscal was Rs. 1.5 crore, said Dr Arun, who is also one of the directors of the cooperative pharmacy.
explaining the scope for Siddha medicines in Kerala, he pointed out
that the recent establishment of a Unani medical college in Kozhikodu
will support the sale growth of the depot. Besides there are a lot of
Unani doctors in Kozhikode, Wynadu and the nearby places. The members of
the cooperative society will get 25 per cent discount for all medicines
bought from Impcops. More than one thousand Ayurveda physicians from
Kerala are Impcops members.
Even though the request for starting
another depot in Kerala is put to Impcops, the association of Siddha
graduates will first approach the state government for all sorts of help
and advice. AKSDF has the future plan that a Siddha medical college
should be started in Kerala under cooperative sector and deliberations
are going on among the Forum members now.
To a question on
acceptance on Siddha drugs in Kerala, he said even though the number of
followers of Ayurveda is large in Kerala, the number of followers of
Siddha system is increasing every day in the state. Similar case is with
Unani also, he added.
8:13 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
Image 1:Before Treatment
Image 2: After 60 days Siddha Treatment
6:10 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
Avararam poo kudineer internally
Murivennai externally
5:46 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
Image1:Before treatment
Image2:After 60 Days treatment
5:45 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
Image 1:
Before treatment
Image 2:After 30 days Siddha Treatment
12:45 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
Siddha graduates in Kerala want equal consideration with Ayurveda under govt sector Peethaambaran Kunnathoor, Chennai Wednesday, March 09, 2016, 08:00 Hrs [IST] Stating that Agasthya Muni, the first among the 18 Siddhars, who is also considered as the father of Siddha medical science, has geographical connection with Kerala, the All Kerala Siddha Doctors Forum (AKSDF) has urged the state government to give due consideration to the graduates of Siddha and to the system of treatment just as given to Ayurveda and to the practitioners in that field. AKSDF, an association of Kerala Siddha graduates who did BSMS course in Santhigiri Siddha Medical College at Thiruvananthapuram, argues that Ayush/ISM does not mean Ayurveda alone. It includes Siddha, Unani, Homoeopathy, Naturopathy and yoga besides Ayurveda. In Kerala, the government, department of Ayush as well as the common people is forced to think that Ayush means Ayurveda, or Ayurveda is the major stream in Ayush. This misconception was inculcated among the people and the authorities by a group of Ayurveda physicians in the state. They do not want other streams of Ayush to grow or to be promoted in Kerala. This tendency has to be opposed and every system has to be given ample chances for growth and practice, said Dr. Arun Baby, the president of Kerala Siddha Doctors Forum. While briefing Pharmabiz about the forthcoming strikes and agitations planned to be conducted across the state by the Siddha graduates, he said the Ayurveda practitioners association could succeed in convincing the government that Ayurveda is the only traditional treatment system of Kerala. “It is a mistaken belief. Ayurveda was not originated in Kerala. It is described in classical Sanskrit literature. The language and the Aryans were migrated to India from central Asia and the eastern part of the Europe. Whereas, Siddha system is described in old Tamil classical literature and claims a divine origin of Indian back ground,” says Dr. Arun Baby. Regarding geographical connection with Kerala, he points out that Agasthya Muni is also called ‘Ananthasayanam Kumbha Muni’ as Agasthyar’s attainment place is ‘Ananathasayanam’ which is otherwise known as ‘Ananthapuri’, presently called Thiru-Aananthapuram. This means that the first Siddhar spent his last days in the southern part of Kerala adjacent to Tamil Nadu. Agasthya Koodam hills is in Trivandrum district, and the tribal people of that hill area are still worshiping Agasthyar. These are all indications of the traditional system’s connection with Kerala. The varma and massage treatments were generated in Siddha and later absorbed by Ayurveda. The specialists in 108 varma methods are found in Kanyakumari district only. During the last period of Agasthyar, he handed over the knowledge of Siddha to many of his disciples in the southern parts of Kerala. These places are now in Tamil Nadu. With this tradition, the Siddha doctors’ forum will make demand for equal consideration for Siddha system under Ayush department. Healthcare institutions such as dispensaries, primary health centres, hospitals, medical colleges and research centres should be established and posts of doctors and para medical staffs should be created. Currently, about 600 graduates in siddha are seeking jobs in the state. Out of this, 600 BSMS holders, 450 were graduated from Santhigiri and 150 from the Siddha Medical College at Palayamkottai in Tamil Nadu. In Kerala, there is only one government Siddha hospital and it is located at Vallakkadavu in the state capital. Further, there are eight dispensaries. The government sanctioned the last dispensary in 1986. After that, in the last 30 years no dispensary or hospital for Siddha has been sanctioned. The present UDF government has sanctioned 77 Ayurveda dispensaries and 150 Homoeo dispensaries in various Punchayaths. Kerala is going to become the first state in the country with Ayurveda and Homoeo dispensaries in all the Punchayaths. At present Kerala has 127 hospitals, 815 dispensaries, 20 sub-centres and three medical colleges under government, and 14 private medical colleges, and two self-financing medical colleges for Ayurveda system.
11:39 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
1. Public sector drug manufacturing unit for Siddha. Mean time the Siddha drugs are manufactured and supplied by Oushadhi
2. Siddha dispensaries would be started in a phase manner
3. Siddha hospitals would be started on district basis
4. Establish Ayush OPD and IPD in all existing ESI hospitals
5. Speciality clinics would be introduced
6. Establishing Ayush health care centres
7. Ayush research centre for communicable diseases
8. Separate programme for preventing LSDS by integrating the role of each systems of Ayush
9. Siddha Zonal research centre for cancer would be started in 3 zones
10. Separate wing for treating sports injuries and other traumatic injuries through Siddha Varma therapy
11. A joint Ayush infertility centre would be started
12. Steps would be taken to establish All India institute of different Ayush systems
13. Different streams of medical colleges with PG facility
14. Ayush subjects include in school syllabus
15. Starting para medical courses in all streams of Ayush
16. A Varma research institute would be started for Siddha
17 . Drug control department for Siddha
18. Academic research, clinical research and extra mural research on Ayush systems.
19. Ayush knowledge bank and manuscript digital library would be set up for conservation of traditional knowledge
20. GTP -Golden triangle partnership scheme would be implemented for validation of traditional knowledge of Siddha
To rejuvenate the medical system of the most ancient civilization and most ancient language of the indian subcontinent in God's own counry which originated from the Kamandalu(Sacret pot) of Agasthiyar who lived in Agasthiyarkudam and attained Samadhi in Ananthasayanam (Thiruvananathapuram)
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