5:52 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
In such cases of chronic hepatitis A&B bilirubin level wl not cum down
In such cases we wl give phy amarus juice 20 ml
Kalamegam 65mgm
Pavalaveera chunnam 100mgm
Vengara parpam 100mgm
Elathy choor 3 grams B.d af food with phy amarus juice
With in 7-10 days bilirubin wl normal range Sgot sgpt also
In acute hep B : 3 cases turned to negative One case with in 14days
Second one with in 2 months 3rd one 6th month
In Hep C: Platelet count well impressed
6:38 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
This disease is seen among male children rather than female. The reasons for this is still mostly unknown. But some vague theories still prevail. In siddha line of thinking some iregularities or disorders during pregnancy and child delivery time, might have been a cause for this.
This is a disease of "Vatha humor ".The dhathu it affects is "Majhai dhathu ".Majhai dhathu "is seen less in quantity in such affected children. SIddha medicines prepared in "ghee" are to be better preferred in treatment.
Most Siddha medicines using ADHD treatment are also useful in this case.
Unfortunately many so - called "Varma physicans " of Kanyakumari district are applying strenuous body massage and pressing vital points of children. It is clearly "a wrong choice ".But some "light sirodhara "can be done. But many oral medicines using in Varma are very effective in Autism.
Speech therapy is advisible for such patients. Most special schools having this available now.
Constant tratment for 3 to 5 years can be achieved 75%results. In Siddha systems hundreds of medicines are available for and at intervals medicines should be changed.
Better discourage English medicines as they may in future result Obesity and permanent damage for adrenal glands
Combinations of following medicines are to be considered. Better select 1 Kudineer, 1 ney, 1 lehyam, one parpam or chendooram for a course.
1.drakshadi kudineer
2.athimadura kudineer
3.kurunthotti pal kudineer
4.kshaya kulanthaga chendooram
5.pavizha parpam
6.Muthu parpam
7.Velli parpam
8.Bhoonaga chendooram
9.Linga kattu Chendooram
10.Vallarai lehyam
11.Venpoosani lehyam
12.Bhrhmi lehyam
13.bhrahmi ney
14.Vani ney
15.Venpoosani ney
16.Swaraswatha ney (Ayurveda )
17.Swaraswatha aristam (Ayurveda )
18.Manasamithra vadakam (Ayurveda )
19.bhoonaga thailam (internal use )
20.Bala sarvangam (internal use )
21.Vatha Sanni Sarvangam (internal use)
22.Kukkuda Sahajarathi Mukootu (internal use )
23.aswhagandha bala lakshadi thailam (for head )
24.Karimchoora pattai thailam (for head )
Etc...etc..are some of the result oriented siddha medicines for Auts
5:10 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
The European medical leech Hirudo medicinalis and some congeners, as well as some other species, have been used for clinical bloodletting for thousands of years. The use of leeches in medicine dates as far back as 2,500 years ago, when they were used for bloodletting in ancient India. Leech therapy is explained in ancient Ayurvedic texts. Many ancient civilizations practiced bloodletting, including Indian and Greek civilizations. In ancient Greek history, bloodletting was practiced according to the humoral theory, which proposed that, when the four humors, blood, phlegm, black and yellow bile in the human body were in balance, good health was guaranteed. An imbalance in the proportions of these humors was believed to be the cause of ill health. Records of this theory were found in the Greek philosopher Hippocrates' collection in the fifth century BC. Bloodletting using leeches was one method used by physicians to balance the humors and to rid the body of the plethora.
The use of leeches in modern medicine made a small-scale comeback in the 1980s after years of decline, with the advent of microsurgeries, such as plastic and reconstructive surgeries. In operations such as these, problematic venous congestion can arise due to inefficient venous drainage. Sometimes, because of the technical difficulties in forming an anastomosis of a vein, no attempt is made to reattach a venous supply to a flap at all. This condition is known as venous insufficiency. If this congestion is not cleared up quickly, the blood will clot, arteries that bring the tissues their necessary nourishment will become plugged, and the tissues will die. To prevent this, leeches are applied to a congested flap, and a certain amount of excess blood is consumed before the leech falls away. The wound will also continue to bleed for a while due to the anticoagulant hirudin in the leech's saliva. The combined effect is to reduce the swelling in the tissues and to promote healing by allowing fresh, oxygenated blood to reach the area.[37]
The active anticoagulant component of leech saliva is a small protein, hirudin. Discovery and isolation of this protein led to a method of producing it by recombinant technology. Recombinant hirudin is available to physicians as an intravenous anticoagulant preparation for injection, particularly useful for patients who are allergic to or cannot tolerate heparin.
To rejuvenate the medical system of the most ancient civilization and most ancient language of the indian subcontinent in God's own counry which originated from the Kamandalu(Sacret pot) of Agasthiyar who lived in Agasthiyarkudam and attained Samadhi in Ananthasayanam (Thiruvananathapuram)
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