9:42 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
Siddha-NIS Mobile app...
National Institute of Siddha and Vikaspedia-Tamil, c. p. r environmental education centre jointly developed a mobile application (App) for "Siddha".
This mobile app consists of About Siddha, Special therapies in Siddha, pharmaceutics form of Siddha, types of medications, National Institute of Siddha, preventive measures, public health in Siddha, education and research, gallery, frequently asking questions and contact us.
This app consists a bird view knowledge about Siddha system of medicine and National Institute of Siddha.
The app was launched on 07/07/2018 at at National Institute of Siddha by Shri. P.N.Ranjit Kumar,Joint Secretary, Ministry of AYUSH, government of India.
All are pleased to download by following link or directly from Google Play Store..
#NIS #Siddha #MobileApp
8:54 AM
Dr.Arun Baby
Purification is a process mentioned by Siddhars which holds lot of Scientific information. Very commonly used is Kadukkaiku Aga Nanchu which has been Scientifically validated.This Research provides an overview of the purification methods of Terminalia chebula (TC) as mentioned in Siddha medical practice (2), a traditional medical system in India. According to this practice the purification of the herb is to remove the seed from the ripen fruit before processing into medicine. Changes in the chemical profile of Terminalia chebula before (with seed - TCS) and after purification (without seed - TCWS) is achieved through physiochemical, phytochemical and HPTLC analysis. The results revealed TCWS has 60% water soluble extract and 40% alcohol soluble extract to that of 25% and 15% respectively in TCS. The total ash content was very minimal in TCWS. There is increase in the concentration of tannins, anthraquinones, alkaloids, saponins and decrease in the protein content in TCWS. No change in the concentration of total phenols, flavones, glycosides, reducing sugar and quinines. The HPTLC analysis shows nine peaks for TCWS whereas seven for TCS. This study reassures that Terminalia chebula is pharmaceutically potent only after removal of seeds which substantiates intuition of Siddha’s scientifically.
Thanks for all the Scientists who has contributed to this paper.
5:58 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
SWASTHYA RAKSHA PROGRAMME at National Institute of Siddha....
The Swasthya Raksha Programme (Swasthya Rakshan OPD & Swasthya Parikshan Camp) has been launched by the Ministry of AYUSH.
The objectives of the programme are:
@To organize Health/Hygiene awareness @Awareness about cleanliness of domestic surroundings and environment. @To Provide medical aid/incidental support @Documentation of demographic information, food habits, hygienic conditions, lifestyle, incidence/prevalence of diseases etc.,
To achive above goals, NIS is organizing periodical camps as per the following schedule..
Pammal - Children park, Sankara nagar
Every 1st & 3rd Friday
09.30am – 12.00 noon
Old Perungalathur - Panchayat office
Every 2nd & 4th Friday
09.30am – 11.00 am
Kannadapalayam - M.M. Mount view
Every 2nd & 4th Friday
11.15am – 01.00 pm
Rajakilpakkam - VGP Nagar, Ruby avenue
Every 1st & 3rd Saturday
09.00am – 12.00 noon
Hasthinapuram -AGS colony park
Every 2nd & 4th Saturday
09.00 – 12.00 noon
5:16 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
Siddhar Theraiyar conferred some principles as “Pini Anugavithi Ozhukkam” i.e rules (preventive measures/pinianugaa vithi) to be followed for healthy living that helps us to prevent diseases.
Some of the principles of Theraiyar are defined as follows,
Have therapeutic emesis once in six months
Have therapeutic purgation once in four months
Instill nasal drops once in 45 days
Shave weekly once
Take Oil bath once in four days
Apply collyrium (medicated eye-liner) once in three days
ஆறு மாதத்திற்கொருமுறை வாந்திக்கு மருந்து உண்போம்
நான்கு மாதத்திற்கொருமுறை பேதிக்கு மருந்து எடுத்துக்கொள்வோம்
ஒன்றரை மாதத்திற்கொருமுறை நசியம் செய்து கொள்வோம்
வாரம் ஒருமுறை முகச்சவரம் செய்வோம்
நான்கு தினத்திற்கொரு முறை எண்ணெய்முழுக்குக் கொள்வோம்
மூன்று நாட்களுக்கொருமுறை கண்களுக்கு மையிடுவோம்
(For information purpose only. Consult a Registered Siddha Practitioner for more details.
தகவல் நோக்கத்திற்காக மட்டுமே. மேலும் விவரங்களுக்கு பதிவுசெய்த சித்த மருத்துவர்களை அணுகவும்)
11:45 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
Kayakarpam is an important division of Siddha medicine which apart from preventing diseases maintains vigour and vitality by delaying the signs of aging
Remove the outer skin of ginger, make in to small slices and soak in honey. 3-5 slices to be taken in early morning for 40 days. It reduces the vitiated Vatham humour and rejuvenates the body. It increases the skin glow and mental stability.
-Dry ginger
Powdered dry ginger can be taken with sugarcane juice reduces the vitiated Pitham humour. It can be taken as decoction.
Chebulic myrobalan
Endosperm of the Chebulic myrobalan should be removed. Then epicarp has to be powdered and it can be taken with water in the evening. It reduces the vitiated Kabam and working as a very good liver tonic.
For information purpose only. Consult a registered Siddha practitioner
7:51 AM
Dr.Arun Baby
Siddha Tooth Brushes
சித்த மருத்துவத்தில் பல் துலக்கும் குச்சிகள்...
Siddha System have mentioned certain twigs as toothbrushes. Also, the act of chewing the herbal twigs increases salivation and contained medicinal properties required to clean the teeth and keep them healthy. The twigs from plants having bitter and astringent tastes are selected for brushing.
Neem (வேம்பு) twigs possess an anti-microbial property which help in fighting bad breath, anorexia and awakens the taste buds. Acacia (வேலம்) twigs having astringent taste helps in healing wounds or ulcers on gums.
Some plants/trees used in brushing includes Mimusops elengi (மகிழ்); Prosopis julifera (வேல்); Ficus benghalensis (ஆல்); Achyranthes aspera ( நாயுருவி); Terminalia arjuna (மருது), etc..,The medicinal properties of these herbs are sufficient enough to prevent caries and plaque formation.
சித்த மருத்துவத்தில் சிலக்குச்சிகள் பற்களை துலக்க பரிந்துரைக்கப் பட்டுள்ளது. அதனை நன்கு மெல்லும் போது பல் ஈறுகள் பலப் படுவதுடன் பற்கள் சம்பந்தமான நோய்கள் தடுக்கப்படும். ஆல், வேல், வேம்பு, மகிழ், நாயுருவி, மருது ஆகியன வற்றின் குச்சிகள் பல் துலக்க சிறப்பானது.
@For information purpose only.. @Consult registered Siddha Medical practitioners for more details
11:02 AM
Dr.Arun Baby
Ethics in Siddha medical literature:
In Siddha medical literature, ethics of the physician –patient relationship are available scattered, rather than all together in a single place.
Siddhar Agasthiyar in the classical Siddha medical text ‘Agasthiyar paripooranam 400” mentions little code of medical ethics, as follows,
• ‘Virtue lies in treating a poor, and not in treating a king’. (Verse 370).
[The verse has earmarks of the World Medical Association Declaration of Geneva (amended by the 68th WMA General Assembly, Chicago, October 2017), ‘I will not permit consideration of age, disease or disability, creed, ethnic origin, gender, nationality, political affection, race, sexual orientation, social standing or any other factor to intervene my duty and my patient’]
• ‘Treat others the same way you want them to treat you’ (Verse 371)
[A most inclusive line captures all the codes of medical ethics]
In these two verses, Agasthiyar repeatedly stresses, ‘These virtues will make the physician mastery in her / his profession’.
10:51 AM
Dr.Arun Baby
Dear all,
This email relates to the AYUSH Scholarship Scheme for Malaysian citizens.
The AYUSH Scholarship Scheme is for Malaysian students who wish to pursue Bachelor degree courses in Traditional Indian Medicine (BAMS, BSMS, BUMS and BHMS) in India (5.5 years).
We wish to inform that applications for the AYUSH Scholarship Scheme have gone online at http://a2ascholarships.iccr.gov.in/ as informed by the High Commission of India in Malaysia. Interested applicants can log onto this website to submit their applications.
Information on the AYUSH Scholarship Scheme is available at the website of the High Commission of India in Malaysia http://hcikl.gov.in/index. For further enquiries on all matters regarding the scholarship scheme/ online submissions, please contact the Education & RTI Wing, High Commission of India (Tel: 03 6143 1169, E-mail: edu.kl@mea.gov.in).
We hope you can disseminate this information to those under your care. Thank you and we wish the best in your future undertakings.
Thank you.
1:20 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
As per Siddha literary text, the non healing wounds are termed as Kaaliga viranam (காலிக விரணம்). Many effective treatments for the facilitation of wound healing is available in Siddha medicine of which Manjitti kudineer (மஞ்சிட்டி குடிநீர்) has been recently studied at National Institute of Siddha.
It has been observed that on administration of Manjitti kudineer along with usual wound hygiene causes the wound margins to shrink and close in a short span of 15-90 days regardless of the wound chronicity in the majority.
This formulation in particular serves as a powerful agent to contract the wound margins and eventually close to heal it. Even wounds of several years duration (i.e., 30 years) had been healed in 3 months time.
Various types of wounds caused due to venous (varicose) and arterial insufficiency, diabetes, trauma etc., respond well to the above Siddha treatment.
Wounds as big as 10cm dimension also get healed with this regimen of treatment. Study showed that the Manjitti Kudineer was effective in enhancing the Wound contraction and epithelialization.
8:14 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
National Institute of Siddha is glad to share that the Ph.Ds have been awarded to our teaching faculties by Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R Medical University Chennai based on their research work done in Siddha discipline that made contribution to the advancement of knowledge and innovation in Siddha system.
Awarded Faculty members...
Dr. K. Suresh
Kuzhanthai Maruthuvam (Pediatrics)
Dr. H.Vedhamerlin Kumari
Maruthuvam (General Medicine)
Noi Naadal (Pathology)
Gunapadam (Pharmacology)
Dr. H. Nalinisofia
Maruthuvam (General Medicine)
Regular candidate
Dr. B.Akila -
Maruthuvam (General Medicine)
This award was conferred by section 44 of the Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R Medical University, Chennai Act 1987(Tamilnadu act 37 of 1987)
National institute of Siddha congradulate them for their contribution to Siddha medicine.
#NIS #Siddha #PhD
8:12 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
I would like to share a magnanimous work on psychiatry in siddha system of medicine by a renowned psychiatrist Dr. O Somasundaram (MBBS., DPM, FRC (Psychiatry), Former superintendent, Institute of Mental Health, Madras Medical College.
Siddha system is a unique treasure of Dravidian culture. 18 Siddhars are considered as authority of siddha system. Among the Sage Agathiyar put forward much thoughts in psychiatry and coined the name 'Kirikai Maruthuvam' in his Agathiyar manida kirikai nool 64
In his text common psychiatric ailments are classified in 18 types which can be compared with conditions in modern psychiatry.
18 Types of Psychiatric disorders
1. ANEL KIRIGAI : Flaming Insanity.
2.PITHA KIRIGAI : Bilous Insanity
3.ECHIL KIRIGAI : Spitting Insanity
4.VATHA KIRIGAI : Windy Insanity
5.SLERPPANA KIRIGAI : Shivering Insanity
6.NATHAVINTHU KIRIGAI : Masturbatory Insanity
7.JALA KIRIGAI : Water Insanity and Hydrophobias
8. BOOTHA KIRIGAI : Demoniacal Insanity
9.MOHINI KIRIGAI : Erotic Insanity
10.KALLERI KIRIGAI : Stone pelting Insanity
11. KUMBIDU KIRIGAI : Obeisant Insanity
12.MUNANGU KIRIGAI : Murmuring and blabbering Insanity
13.ALAR KIRIGAI : Screaming Insanity
14.MARUTTU KIRIGAI : Menacing Insanity
15. MOODU KIRIGAI: Perplexity
16. VALIPPU KIRIGAI : Convulsive Insanity
17.NEER KIRIGAI : Water drinking Insanity
18. PEIPIDI KIRIGAI: Insanity due to exorcism or Possession.
1. Veri iyya noi, Thamantha pitham : Catatonic Withdrawal symptoms
2.Peru iyya noi : Catatonic excitement
3.mottu : Chronic Szhizophrenia.
4.Anal pitham, markeya pitham, odu pitham, veri iyyam : Manic Excitement
5.karapitham: Depressive Psychosis
6. Nanju vali :Toxic Psychosis
7.Thimirvali: Neurosis and Hysteria.
8.Manovali : Neurosis Depression
9.Theera pitham : Neurosis Anxiety
For these conditions many internal and external medicines like nasal drops, fumigation etc are indicated and is still in practice in outskirts of tamilnadu .If this is researched well it will be a great contribution to society.
10:29 PM
Dr.Arun Baby
சித்த மருத்துவத்தில் ஒற்றடம்
National Institute offers OTTRADAM (Fomentation) therapy. ஒற்றடம் is given to the patients with the complaints of contusion and other swelling it is also used in certain dermatological conditions.
Ottradam is the application of hot or cold packs of substances like medicinal leaves, pulses, cereals husk, lime, brick powder, etc. on or around the affected part, this ‘warm application’ induces fomentation, or sweating which helps to disperse aggravated doshams in the affected area and dilating all body channels for cleansing.
To rejuvenate the medical system of the most ancient civilization and most ancient language of the indian subcontinent in God's own counry which originated from the Kamandalu(Sacret pot) of Agasthiyar who lived in Agasthiyarkudam and attained Samadhi in Ananthasayanam (Thiruvananathapuram)
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