Dr.Arun Baby

Journey to Chathuragiri to find Siddha Mooligai

Friday, October 26, 2018

Opening new siddha OPD at New Delhi

Opening of New Siddha OPD at New_Delhi: Siddha Clinical Research Unit (New Delhi) of CCRS, is opening the Third Free Siddha Medical Camp under Swasthya Rakshan Programme jointly with Delhi Tamil Sangam. The Camp Inauguration Ceremony, will be held at Delhi Tamil Sangam Campus, RK Puram, New Delhi, on 27th October 2018 (Saturday) at 10 Am. Dr. N J Muthu Kumar Director General, Central Council for Research in Siddha, will inaugurate the camp. Shrimathi. Indhubala, President of Delhi Tamil Sangam and Shri.R.Mukunthan, General Secretary, Delhi Tamil Sangam will participate in the Inauguration Ceremony. Free Siddha Medical OPD will function, in Alternative Saturday's (Fortnightly) permanentl...

Thursday, October 25, 2018

11Fellowship courses in siddha approved by CCIM, Govt of India

11 Fellow ship courses in Siddha  is approved  by CCIM. Fellowship in Infertility  medicine Fellowship in siddha orthopedics Fellowship in Siddha Diet Fellowship in Siddha Varma Therapy Fellowship in Siddha Yoga Felloship in Siddha  Oncology Fellowship In Karanool &Leech Therapy Fellowship  in sports  medicine  in siddha Fellowship in Rehabilitation Therapy Fellowship in psychatric Manangement in siddha Fellowship in siddha Developmental  paediatri...

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

SIDDHA Ph. D Public viva voce Exam

#NIS Ph.D Viva-Voce Examination Dr. P. Shanmugapriya, Lecturer, Department of Nanju Maruthuvam,  NIS will defend her Ph.D Public Viva-Voce Examination at SenateHall,  TN Dr. M. G. R Medical University., Guindy on 29/10/18 at 2.30PM Topic of the thesis is "A Scientific Approach on the Validation of Santha Santhrothaya Mathirai (சாந்த சந்திரோதய மாத்திரை) a Siddha Herbo-minaral Preparation for it's Safety and Efficacy in the Management of Hepatic Disorders" Dr. P. Shanmugapriya did her research under the guidance of Prof.Dr.M.Murugesan., Former Dean/Guide & Supervisor., NIS. 🌹Siddha Day 26.12.2018 🌹Countdown will start on 06.11.2018...

Thursday, October 18, 2018

siddha Nei kuri neerkuri workshop

💎Ezhaam Thervu 2018🔎🔍 Conference on 17-18 November 2018 Will be Enjoying the depth of Siddha Pathology💡 Neikuri - Therayar Methodology of Uroscopy Procedure 15 µl of Black Dil oil is put over the surface of 200 ml of voided and cooled test urine kept in a four inches diameter round disposable pet bowel from 5 centimeters height. The reaction of oil drop on the urine surface is carefully observed accordingly on dispersion, spread, split, immersion, floating, disappearance by from the time of putting the drop up to one minute or the maximum spread reaches. The test may br done in a chamber maintained with 29º C to 31º C temperature and 3-5 Watts LED luminance to maintain the classical test standard. Observation The reactions occurred over the surface of the urine is observed carefully....

Adenomyosis in siddha

ADENOMYOSIS Presence of endometrial glands in the myometrium. Female of middle age group, with lower abdominal pain, menorrhagia, we have to suspect this abnormal condition also.On USG scan  we could appreciate increased (Bulky) size of uterus and other things. Some doctors describing this condition as endometriosis,  in fact it is totally different. Administration of RGM in a proper way with Kanchanara guggulu will help to greater extent. Hormonal supplements like Asoku, Thanneervittan kizhangu, Lodhra, Imbooral legyam, astringents and iron supplements also to be given to regularize mentrual flow and its quantit...

Friday, October 12, 2018

Swassthya raksha programme @National Institute ഓഫ് Siddha

SWASTHYA RAKSHA PROGRAMME at National Institute of Siddha.... The Swasthya Raksha Programme (Swasthya Rakshan OPD & Swasthya Parikshan Camp) has been launched by the Ministry of AYUSH. The objectives of the programme are: @To organize Health/Hygiene awareness @Awareness about cleanliness of domestic surroundings and environment. @To Provide medical aid/incidental support @Documentation of demographic information, food habits, hygienic conditions, lifestyle, incidence/prevalence of diseases etc., To achive above goals, NIS is organizing periodical camps as per the following schedule.. ****************************************** Pammal - Children park, Sankara nagar Every 1st & 3rd Friday 09.30am – 12.00 noon Old Perungalathur - Panchayat office Every 2nd & 4th Friday 09.30am –...

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Siddha conference @Srilanka

#NIS  #Srilanka "First International conference and Exhibition in Indigenous Medicine -2018"  organized by Department of Indigenous medicine, Eastern Province with collaboration of Unite of Siddha Medicine, Faculty of Applied sciences, Trincomalee campus,  Eastern University, Sri Lanka on 4th and 5th October at Sri Lanka. Prof. Dr. V. Banumathi, Director NIS shared as a chairperson in a plenary session II.  Theme of the session was prevention and management of non communicable diseases....

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

National Institute of siddha Geriatric care a cross sectional study

#NIS GERIATRIC CARE IN SIDDHA SYSTEM OF MEDICINE - A CROSS SECTIONAL STUDY  Geriatric patients reported to @NIS is increasing day by day.  A cross sectional study was conducted with #500 sample size,  study period was #3months and data were entered in MS Access software and analyzed by STATA software. More number of geriatric patient depends on Siddha medicine and continuing their visits to NIS of #3-5 years period. This study reveals that more percentage of elders reported with #Orthopaedic and followed by Dermatology, Respiratory, Gastroenterology etc. Patients with #DiabetesMellitus  Hypertension, Cardiac and Neurological ailments were undergoing other system of medicine along with Siddha medicine. Study courtesy - Dr.B.Shenbaga Priya,  Department of Varma ...

Second siddha day -26-12-2018

#Second Siddha Day observation/Preliminary Discussion Sage Agathiyar is considered to be a prominent one in the line of 18 Siddhars called as "Father of Siddha Medicine". Agathiyar born in month of Markazhi (மார்கழி) in Aayilyam ( ஆயில்யம்) birth star.  Every year his birthday is being observed as a SIDDHA DAY. This year his birthday fall on 26/12/2018. Director,  National Institute of Siddha organized a preliminary discussion with  preparatory activities and programme schedule for observing the Second Siddha Day. HODs from all departments, teaching, non teaching faculties and staffs, PG Scholars of NIS shared their views for the forthcoming Siddha Day celebrations. #SecondSiddhaD...

Friday, October 5, 2018

First international siddha conference @Srilanka

#NIS  #Srilanka "First International conference and Exhibition in Indigenous Medicine -2018" to exploring the innovations of Indigenous medicine organized by Department of Indigenous medicine, Eastern Province with collaboration of Unite of Siddha Medicine, Faculty of Applied sciences, Trincomalee campus,  Eastern University, Sri Lanka on 4th and 5th October at Sri Lanka. Prof. Dr. V. Banumathi, Director NIS shared the dias with Mr. A. H. M. Ansar Secretary, Ministry of Health in Indigenous Medicine and Hon'ble Faizal Caaism, Deputy Minister of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine,  Eastern Province, Government of Sri Lanka. Hon'ble Dr. Ragitha Senaratane Minister of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine and Hon'ble Rohitha Bogallogama, Governer, Eastern Province addressed...

Thursday, October 4, 2018

#NIS GERIATRIC CARE IN SIDDHA SYSTEM OF MEDICINE - A CROSS SECTIONAL STUDY  Geriatric patients reported to @NIS is increasing day by day.  A cross sectional study was conducted with #500 sample size,  study period was #3months and data were entered in MS Access software and analyzed by STATA software. More number of geriatric patient depends on Siddha medicine and continuing their visits to NIS of #3-5 years period. This study reveals that more percentage of elders reported with #Orthopaedic and followed by Dermatology, Respiratory, Gastroenterology etc. Patients with #DiabetesMellitus  Hypertension, Cardiac and Neurological ailments were undergoing other system of medicine along with Siddha medicine. Study courtesy - Dr.B.Shenbaga Priya,  Department of Varma ...

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To rejuvenate the medical system of the most ancient civilization and most ancient language of the indian subcontinent in God's own counry which originated from the Kamandalu(Sacret pot) of Agasthiyar who lived in Agasthiyarkudam and attained Samadhi in Ananthasayanam (Thiruvananathapuram)

Siddha Medicine - A gift for the human being from Siddhars !

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