Single drugs used in drinking water
Water is essential for life. The safe and accessibility of drinking water are major concerns throughout the world. Traditionally water is purified either by adding herbals or planting of certain herbals nearby the water sources.
In Siddha medicines, various plants are used with water for purification process and to confer various health benefits. Some of the main plants and their therapeutic actions are given below.
Strychnos potatorum (Tamil : Thettran)
The seeds of Thettran – Strychnos potatorum is a traditionally used water purifier; it is otherwise called as clearing nut tree - the paste of the Thettran seeds can sediment the impurities in water. intake of Thettran soaked water is a health tonic.
Hemidesmus indicus (Tamil : Nannari)
The root of Nannari soaked in hot water for the period of 1 to 2 hours; the intake of filtered water is beneficial for chronic Vatha diseases, Mega rogam and Indigestion.
Cuminum cyminum (Tamil : Seerakam)
The routine usage of Seerakam fruit in boiling water is useful in the balancing of Azhal humour, it can increase the appetite and relieves from indigestion.
Hyoscyamus niger (Tamil : Omam)
The Omam fruit soaked and boiled in water is beneficial in abdominal pain, flatulence, indigestion and Dysentry.
Chrysopogon zizanoides (Tamil : Vettiver)
The root of Vettiver soaked in hot water and boiled; the intake of filtered water is beneficial for chronic Azhal noigal, Oliguria, burning micturition and Leucorrhoea.
Acacia catechu (Tamil : Karingaali)
The root of Karingaali soaked in hot water for the period of 1 to 2 hours; the intake of boiled and filtered water is beneficial for chronic Azhal noigal, Mega rogam and Indigestion.
NB: The post is for information purpose only. Kindly consult a Siddha Physician for more details.