Dr.Arun Baby

Journey to Chathuragiri to find Siddha Mooligai

Dr.Arun Baby

At the top of Chathuragiri (April 12th, 2009)

Arun Baby

Korakkar Siddhar Cave of Chathuragiri

Dr.Arun Baby


Dr.Arun Baby

Vishnu Uppu collected from Rameshwaram Sea

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Single siddha drugs used in drinking water

Single drugs used in drinking water

Water is essential for life. The safe and accessibility of drinking water are major concerns throughout the world. Traditionally water is purified either by adding herbals or planting of certain herbals nearby the water sources. 

In Siddha medicines, various plants are used with water for purification process and to confer various health benefits. Some of the main plants and their therapeutic actions are given below.
Strychnos potatorum (Tamil : Thettran)
The seeds of Thettran – Strychnos potatorum is a traditionally used water purifier; it is otherwise called as clearing nut tree - the paste of the Thettran seeds can sediment the impurities in water. intake of Thettran soaked water is a health tonic.
Hemidesmus indicus (Tamil : Nannari)
The root of Nannari soaked in hot water for the period of 1 to 2 hours; the intake of filtered water is beneficial for chronic Vatha diseases, Mega rogam and Indigestion.
Cuminum cyminum (Tamil : Seerakam)
The routine usage of Seerakam fruit in boiling water is useful in the balancing of Azhal humour, it can increase the appetite and relieves from indigestion.
Hyoscyamus niger   (Tamil : Omam)
The Omam fruit soaked and boiled in water is beneficial in abdominal pain, flatulence, indigestion and Dysentry.
Chrysopogon zizanoides (Tamil : Vettiver)
The root of Vettiver soaked in hot water and boiled; the intake of filtered water is beneficial for chronic Azhal noigal, Oliguria, burning micturition and Leucorrhoea.
Acacia catechu (Tamil : Karingaali)
The root of Karingaali soaked in hot water for the period of 1 to 2 hours; the intake of boiled and filtered water is beneficial for chronic Azhal noigal, Mega rogam and Indigestion.
NB: The post is for information purpose only. Kindly consult a Siddha Physician for more details.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Nasal drops in siddha

Nasal Drops in Siddha

Inhaling medicinal fumes or powders through the nose and liquid or medicinal juice squeezed into the nostrils or medicated oil used as an nasal drops or some prepared medicines are used as nasal drops dissolving in fresh herbal juice is known as Nasayam.

Nasal drops should be used in the head upside down position in order to reach the ostiomeatal complex. Instill two drops into left nostril first, then right nostril.

Nasiyam used to treat Allergic sinusitis, Rhinitis,  Fever, Bronchial asthma, Tonsilitis,Nasal polyp,Nasal congestion, Migrane.

மருந்து பொடிகளோ ,மருந்து புகையோ மூக்கின் வழியே உள்ளிழுப்பது மற்றும் மூலிகை
சாற்றினை மூக்கினுள் விடுவது அல்லது மருந்தென்னையை துளிகளாக  மூக்கினுள் விடுவது நசியம் எனப்படும். சித்தமருத்துவத்தில்
ஐயக்குற்றதினால் உண்டாகும் நோய்களுக்கு பயன்படுத்தப்படுகிறது.

நசிய மருத்துவம் பீனிசம்,ஆஸ்துமா, மூக்கடைப்பு, மூக்கில் சதைவளர்ச்சி, லசுன தாபிதம்,ஒற்றை தலைவலி, சுரம் இவற்றிக்கான சிகிச்சை முறையில் பயன்படுகிறது.

பொதுவாக உடலை
நன்னிலையில் வைத்துக்கொள்ள ஆறு மாதத்திற்கு ஒரு முறை குறிப்பிட்ட மருந்தென்னைய்கள் மூலம் நசியம் செய்யலாம். நசியத்தை முதலில் இடது  நாசி துவார த்தில் இரண்டு துளியும் பிறகு வலது நாசி துவாரத்தில் இரண்டு துளியும் விட  வேண்டும்.

மருந்து பொடிகளாக இருப்பின் முடிச்சு கட்டி எரித்து அந்த புகையையோ அல்லது முடிச்சையையோ நுகரலாம்.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Siddha food for women Health

(Siddha Foods for Women's Health)

Siddha System of medicine emphasis  the perfect food habits has been taken care from birth, puberty, pregnancy and lactation. In pregnancy to prevent diseases and also keep away from gynecological disorders. It gives strength to the reproductive life and helps to breast milk production.

There are  more number of recepeies described in Siddha text Pararajasekaram among that few are here.

Coriander (கொத்தமல்லி )25g, Cumin (சீரகம்) seed 2.5g, Pepper ( மிளகு) 5g, Piece of curcuma (மஞ்சள்) and Coconut (தேங்காய் எண்ணெய்) will be grinded sharply makeasapaste. Young Brinjal (கத்தரி பிஞ்சு) Drumstick and (முருங்கைக்காய்) will be fried with gingili oil (நல்லெண்ணெய்) and salt, then mixed with grinded paste. Onion and garlic will be added and has to cook .

Cumin seed (சீரகம்)12.5g, piece of Dry ginger (சுக்கு)and Curcuma (மஞ்சள்) have to be grinded with Gingili oil (நல்லெண்ணெய்) and make small balls and given to consume with jaggery (பனை வெல்லம்) for 3-7 days during menstruation, postpartum period and lactation.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Siddha medicine give first priority to Herbs according to Agasthiyar -80

"Ver paru thazhai paru minginikal
Mella mella parpam chenduram pare"

Accordingly, for treating the disease, it is advised to administer first pure herbs in the form of liquid, powder, pill or paste.If it is not controlling, then the physicians use mixture of herbs, metals, minerals and animal products in addition to herbs.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Siddha bathing powder ' Nalungu maavu '

Nalungu maavu powder (Siddha Bathing Powder)

Siddha bathing powder Nalangumavu (நலங்கு மாவு) contains natural ingredients, free from chemicals or artificial fragrance. The preparation process is very simple.

The ingredients should be dry completely moisture free and crisp before you powder them. Keep it in airtight containers once it is powdered.

This Siddha herbal bathing powder brings a glow, cool and moisturized throughout the day. It will not rip off skins natural oil instead it will preserve it and make it healthier. Nalangumavu contains natural ingredients which can cure acne, dry skin, body odor, skin diseases etc.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Divine part of Siddha system of medicine

Siddha system of medicine aims at reconciliation of the earthly and divine. This attitude is characteristic of Siddha medicine throughout its evolution from time remote and to all its level. The first medical treatise was by Siddhanar or Sivanar. It was followed innumerable works  of Nandhi, Agasthiyar, Pulathiar, theraiyar, Pogar, Senkanar etc. The means of curing disease according to Thirumoolar is by simple herbs, salts, Theeneer, upavasam, padanam, ulokam, sathu, rasa kulikai and yoga. The three humors vatham, pitham, kapham  serves as three connecting link between Microcosm the man and Macrocosm the Universe. SIDDHA system treats not the disease alone but man as whole.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

THERAN by Central Council for Research in Siddha (CCRS)

With immense pleasure I am sharing this great event to you all. Today is the launch of AYUSH-Hospital Management Information System (A-HMIS) upscaled version of THERAN ( THE Research Application Nexus) developed by Siddha Central Research Institute, Central Council for Research in Siddha under Ministry of AYUSH on 3rd Ayurveda Day -05th November 2018 at Dr.Ambedkar International Centre, 15, Janpath, New Delhi.
This has been dedicated to people of India by Hon’ble Minister Dr. Harshvardhan Ji, Ministery of Information and Technology and  Hon’ble Minister sh. Shripad Yesso Naik ji Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India.
This is just beginning  and it is a marvellous growth to AYUSH systems in India. It is a real time data capturing system and maintenance of Health record electronically.
I sincerely submit my thanks to all the legends those who are participating in the eventual gathering and adorn the Diaz- - Vaidhya Rajesh Kotecha ji, Secretary, Ministery of AYUSH, Govt. of India,
Pramod Kumar Pathak, add. Secretary, Ministery of AYUSH, Govt. of India
Our beloved Sh. P.N.Ranjith Kumar ji, Joint Secretary, Ministery of AYUSH, Govt. of India
Dr. Vinod K Paul, Member, NITI AAYOG,
Vd. Devindar Triguna, President Govt.Body, RAV
Dr. Manoj Nesari, Advisor (Ayu), Ministery of AYUSH, Govt. of India
I submit heartfelt thanks to Vaidhya Rajesh Kotecha ji, Secretary, Ministery of AYUSH, Govt. of India,
Our beloved Sh. P.N.Ranjith Kumar ji, Joint Secretary, Ministery of AYUSH, Govt. of India
Dr.Leena Chattre, OSD, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India
I thank our Respected DG, CCRS Prof. K.Kanakavalli for her blessings and support.
We submit our sincere thanks to Dr. Banumathi, Director, National Institute oF Siddha for the deployment of A-HMIS with the dedicated data centre & Team.
I sincerely submit our thanks to SAB, GB of Central Council for Research in Siddha.
We submit our whole hearted thanks to sh.Jauhar Sadiq, for the software development.
The url is
The website will explain the rest of the information....
A-HMIS team
Siddha Central Research Institute
(Central Council for Research in Siddha
Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India)
Arumbakkam, Chennai -600 106.

2nd Siddha Day

49 days to go for Siddha Day

Saint. Agathiyar Jayanthi is observed as “Siddha Day" every year. Siddha classical literature described that Saint. Agathiyar born in Ayilyam in the month of Margazhi. Therefore, this year “Second Siddha Day” will be observed on 26th December, 2018. Fiftyth day coundown of Siddha day begins today 06.11.18

49 Days to go for 2nd siddha Day

49 Days to go for Siddha Day

Siddhars are known led to attaining alchemy and attain perfection (Death less). They used such powers to control time and space, body transformation and achieving immortality. Their approach was holistic and believed on “Food is Medicine, Medicine is Food”.

Siddha medicine reached at zenith during Tamil siddhars. All the 18  Siddhars gave solid platform to ancient system of siddha medicine.

Their contributions are well known in the field of Vaithiyam (medicine), Vatham (alchemy), Jothidam (astrology), Manthirigam (tantric practices), Yogam (meditation and yogic practices) and Gnanam (knowledge and almighty).  They have written many important books on medicine, alchemy, spirituality, etc.

🌷Siddha Day 26.12.2018🌷


To rejuvenate the medical system of the most ancient civilization and most ancient language of the indian subcontinent in God's own counry which originated from the Kamandalu(Sacret pot) of Agasthiyar who lived in Agasthiyarkudam and attained Samadhi in Ananthasayanam (Thiruvananathapuram)

Siddha Medicine - A gift for the human being from Siddhars !

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