Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Monday, December 7, 2020
MEDICATED WATER IN SIDDHA) - a cost effective medicinal formulation mentioned in Siddha system, which can be used as healing agent in ophthalmic, uro-genital, ano- rectal, and wounds through irrigation and bath with negligible adverse effects. Neer is also used in peechu (Enema, Douch) for uro-genital and ano-rectal diseases. Herbal drugs and Mineral salts are soaked in water are made into a decoction to prepare medicated aqueous solution. It can also be used as an antiseptic solution precluding the use of expensive modern antiseptics.TYPES OF NEER AND ITS USES:Some of the commonly used neer formulation in Siddha medicine are, Padigara neer – Eye disease (Ophthalmic wash)Marukarai kudineer- Strengthens the teeth and gums. (Oral wash)Alisi vidhai ooral neer- Urinary obstruction, Leucorrhoea.( Urogenital wash) Kadukkai Kudineer- Arrest bleeding piles ( Ano rectal, uro genital wash, Leucorrhoea)Vengaara neer/ Veera neer – Cleaning Wounds (Wound wash).
Tips for prevention of eye diseases in Siddha. 1. Take oil-bath at least twice a week.2. Apply ghee on the soles, cover with rice bran and dress with cotton cloth at bed time, then wash with cold water in the morning and apply red sandal powder to maintain cool eyes.3. Eat plenty of greens like Pannai Keerai (Celosia argentea), Chiru Keerai (Amaranthus tricolor), Ponnaan-kanni (Alternanthera sessilis), etc for maintenance of good health and vision.4. Application of collyrium prevents most of the eye diseases and reduces phlegmatic vitiation.Avoid the following:1. Avoid strain to your eyes due to constant usage of mobile phones or other gadgets.2. Avoid Exposure to fire, dust and fumes.3. Control of natural urges4. Application of collyrium after head bath and in rainy season.
Monday, November 30, 2020
experience sharing siddha drug Jalamanjari chendooram
I would like to share my personal experience regarding Renal calculai and action of siddha drug JALAMANJARI chendooram
I had severe pain few days ago due to kidney stone. I was at OP. The pain aggravated. I had to take inj voveran to relieve the pain. It took 20mts for the pain to subside.
The same day evening I had severe pain. I already started taking Nerunjil Kudineer. I didnt have vediuppu chunnam...but Luckily i had *Jalamanjari* at home. I mixed that with Nerunjil kudineer and drank....OMG....within 5 minutes pain reduced...gone completely. I slept peacefully.
Next day mor again I had pain
Again i took jalamanjari...relieved immediately.Third day while going to hospital again pain started. I can feel the pain descending downward..As soon as got down from train again i took Jalamanjari with coconut water.Slowly pain started reducing.... I didnt take any pain killer. I took scan. It showed 2calculi....one 7.8mm in mid ureter causing mild hydronephrosis and second 5mm in kidney.
That eve i could feel it has descended in bladder.
Fourth day i took plenty of water/ Nerunjil kudineer and jalananjari once...by afternoon without much difficulty one stone expelled in Urine...Relieved at last.
Why i am sharing my experience...JALAMANJARI is so effective . It acts as analgesic, anti inflammatory and lithotripsic in action..
I request all doctors to try this for your patient
Dr. Jyothi
Saturday, November 28, 2020
siddha drug jalamanjari chendoor expeeience sharing by Dr Jyothi
I would like to share my personal experience regarding Renal calculai and action of JALAMANJARI.(Impcops)
I had severe pain few days ago due to kidney stone. I was at OP. The pain aggravated. I had to take inj voveran to relieve the pain. It took 20mts for the pain to subside.
The same day evening I had severe pain. I already started taking Nerunjil Kudineer. I didnt have vediuppu chunnam...but Luckily i had *Jalamanjari* at home. I mixed that with Nerunjil kudineer and drank....OMG....within 5 minutes pain reduced...gone completely. I slept peacefully.
Next day mor again I had pain
Again i took jalamanjari...relieved immediately.Third day while going to hospital again pain started. I can feel the pain descending downward..As soon as got down from train again i took Jalamanjari with coconut water.Slowly pain started reducing.... I didnt take any pain killer. I took scan. It showed 2calculi....one 7.8mm in mid ureter causing mild hydronephrosis and second 5mm in kidney.
That eve i could feel it has descended in bladder.
Fourth day i took plenty of water/ Nerunjil kudineer and jalananjari once...by afternoon without much difficulty one stone expelled in Urine...Relieved at last.
Why i am sharing my experience...JALAMANJARI is so effective . It acts as analgesic, anti inflammatory and lithotripsic in action..
I request all doctors to try this for your patient.
Thanks to Telegram group.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Monday, November 16, 2020
50 th Days to go for Siddha Day ( January 03.01.2021)Wish you Happy Childrens Day celebration 🌹Siddha medicine for Infants and Children "Gentle-Safe-Palatable"🌹“Kuzhanthai Maruthuvam (Paediatrics)” is one which deals in great detail with the proper growth and development of a healthy child as well as for the treatment of the diseased child. As the health of the child begins from the time of conception, this branch encompasses all the aspects of child health from the mother’s womb, to when the child is just born and there on till the adolescent.Prevention being the primary tool for health maintainence, the role of Siddha in infants and children is really important. Siddha medicines are gentle, safe and palatable enhance the body's overall natural resistance to the disease causing agent rather than directly neutralizing the agent itself.
Thursday, November 5, 2020
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Siddhar Ārūda Nondi Sindhu – An exclusive Siddha medical text on snake bites: types, symptoms and treatmentsThe Siddha toxicology related to snake bite is dealt exclusively in the text ‘Siddhar Aruda Nondi Sindhu’.The book discusses different kinds of venomous and non-venomous snakes, signs and symptoms of different snake bites and their management.A Traditional emergency treatment method known as ‘Kudori Maruthuvam’ (application of medicines over a surgical incision in the vertex) is also described in the text. The method has earmarks of administration of medicine into venous circulation.(This book was made into free electronic edition by the voluntary organisation known as Project Madurai
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
#NIS Signed MoU with AIIMS, Raipur National Institute of Siddha, Chennai entered into the MoU with All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Raipur through virtual platform. Prof.Dr.R.Meenakumari, Director, NIS and Prof. (Dr.) Nitin M.NagarkarDirector, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur signed MoU in the virtual platform and have agreed for collaboration of areas such as joint research and developments, organizing and participating seminars/conferences etc., exchange of faculty etc., Dean(i/c), HS(i/c), All the HoDs from NIS and Dr.V.Lakshmanakumar, Medical officer (AYUSH) Siddha, AIIMS, Raipur facilitated and participated in the event.During this discussion both institutes' heads and experts discussed about COVID19 research as integrated approach at AIIMS, Raipur as a immediate project.This MoU signed between the two organizations to achieve excellence in medical education, research and patient care are the common mission areas for both the organizations. The major purpose of this MoU is to establish a fruitful means of exchange knowledge, information and research, and to facilitate and enhance the interaction between two organizations. Both institutes agree to popularize the Siddha system of medicine all over India. Both organizations agree to develop their academic links especially in the field of medical education, patient care and research under principles of mutual understanding, common interest and mutually complementary activities.
Friday, October 23, 2020
KABASURA KUDINEER FOR IMMUNITY• Analysis of Kabasurakudineer (KSK) has been carried out for evaluating its quality and purity.• Phytochemical - flavanoid present in the Kabasura kudineer. It has high affinity and good binding interactions with SARS Cov- 2 spike protein.• Phenolic compounds are present in the KSK and it is having ACE- 1 inhibition activity, Anti pyretic and immunomodulatory activities.• Terpenoids present in KSK possess antioxidant, anti inflammatory, immunomodulatory activities.• 6 herbals in the KSK posses strong Anti viral activities and immunomodulatory effect.• The acidic nature of KSK increasing immunity and inhibit the microbial growth.• The preliminary analysis of KSK gives promising results in immunomodulation and anti microbial activities. So, it is being used as a preventive medicine for infectious diseases.
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
8 out of 10 acute hepatitis B infections will become negative within 6 months that is HBsAg will become negative (self limiting). Approximate delineation between acute and chronic can be made using the test Anti HBc IgM.siddha medicines Seekakkai ooral kudineer + Avuri + Phyllanthus amarus can be helpful in the seroconversion of around 70%chronic HBsAg positive persons
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
siddha drug kabha jwara kudineer & Athimadura tab more effective for Covid 19:Study
A prospective observational study jointly conducted by the Government Siddha Medical College here and the Tirunelveli Medical College Hospital in asymptomatic and mild symptomatic COVID-19 patients has shown that ‘kabsurakudineer’and ‘athimathuram’ tablet combination is effective in neutralising the viral infection.
Though all the 45 patients, who had consented to be samples of the study, had been admitted in the Tirunelveli Medical College Hospital for the viral infection, no allopathic medication was administered to them even as they were taking ‘kabasurakudineer’ and ‘athimathuram’ tablet. The native medicines proved to be very effective against COVID-19 as most of these patients tested negative for the disease on the sixth day itself while the remaining got cured on the tenth day.
With the consent of the patients and the cooperation of TVMCH authorities, the study was conducted on 45 patients – 26 male with average age of 34.12 years and 19 female with the average age of 37.41 years - who were admitted in the COVID-19 treatment ward. Of this, 35 patients – 20 male and 15 female – were asymptomatic. All the patients were administered with 60 ml of ‘kabasurakudineer’ and ‘athimathuram’ tablets for five days. Evaluation of RT – PCR on the sixth day showed 32 patients (71.10%) tested negative for SARS-CoV-2 viral infection and on the tenth day the remaining 13 patients too tested positive for the respiratory disease, the study shows.
Patients having history of diabetes, heart diseases, cancer, multi-organ failure syndrome and pregnant women were excluded from this study.
The Siddha practitioners say that modern medicines focus on killing the virus but not on increasing the host’s immunity. In the case of Siddha medicine, herbs like ‘amukkara’, ‘nilavembu’ are immune-modulator and have the capacity to inhibit the virus by enhancing and restoring immunity of humans. So, the strength of Siddha medicine was used to arrive upon a potent formulation that was both anti-viral and immuno-modulatory with minimum side effects on patients, who were immune-compromised as well as those who have co-morbid conditions.
“The ‘kabasurakudineer’ increases the immunity and acts as an immune-modulator as this virus adversely affects the immune response. The formulations chosen are aimed at increasing immunity and also to expel out the ‘kabam’ (sputum) and reinstate respiratory health. These drugs on post-digestive transformation get converted to hot potency, which increases and normalizes ‘piththam’ and expels excessive ‘kabam’ out of lungs, which is the rationale behind selecting these formulations,” says Dr. Subash Chandran, one of the investigators and a faculty of Government Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai.
The investigating team comprised Dr. Subhash Chandran, Dr. Justus Antony and Dr. Victoria, all from Government Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai, and Dr. Ravichandran, Dean, TVMCH, and Dr. Rathi Devi, Dr. Ezhil Ramya and Dr. Shantaraman, all from TVMCH.
“The cost of the drug limits the utility of Remdesivir. It cannot be used as community prophylaxis or a community drug intervention for treating asymptomatic and mild symptomatic infections. Kabasura kudineer chooranam is widely used in Siddha for treatment of fevers and also as a prophylactic at the time of viral epidemics,” says Dr. Subhash Chandran.
Saturday, August 29, 2020
In a first in TN, Vellore Siddha centre to hold clinical trials for COVID-19 treatment
The Siddha special COVID care centre at the Thanthai Periyar Engineering College was launched on July 10 and since then, about 2,300 COVID patients were successfully treated
A Siddha special COVID care centre functioning in Vellore district has become the first such institution in the state to get the nod for clinical trials to treat the illness.
According to Vellore district collector A Shanmuga Sundaram, “Clinical Trial Registry of India (CTRI) has given the approval for clinical trial of Siddha medicine intervention at the care centre in Thanthai Periyar Engineering College (TPEC).”
“We are the first to conduct Siddha clinical study in Tamil Nadu with proper CTRI number,” he said on Saturday.
Shanmuga Sundaram said Vellore district has initiated efforts for clinical study of Siddha medicine for COVID treatment and is showing the way to other districts in fighting the global pandemic
The Siddha special COVID care centre in TPEC was launched on July 10 and since then, about 2,300 COVID patients were successfully treated.
“In the beginning, the trial will be held with twenty symptomatic patients. Later, it will be expanded,” said Dr S Susikannamma, district Siddha medical officer (DSMO).
Talking to The New Indian Express, she said, “The patients will be monitored for white blood cells count, platelets, oxygen level, lung saturation before and after treatment.”
The medicines administered to the patients will be Ashwagandha, Thalisathivadagam, Brahmananda bairavam tablets, Adathoda manapagu syrup and Adathoda decoction, the DSMO informed.
Pointing out that patients with oxygen level below 80 (mm Hg) too were successfully treated at the Siddha special COVID care centre, Susikannamma stated three such centres are functioning in Vellore, Tirupathur and Ranipet districts each.
Apart from the medicines, the patients will be undergo breathing exercises, yoga and steam inhalation too.
“The atmosphere in the Siddha special COVID care centres is soothing for the patients, making them forget that they have the virus. When you feel free, it gives relief to the mind and consequently to the body,” she noted
Friday, August 14, 2020
Thursday, August 13, 2020
23 Siddha Covid care centres in Tamilnadu
23 Siddha COVID Care Centres in Tamil Nadu
1.Chennai - Jawahar Engineering College,Saligramam - 465 beds
2.Chennai - Dr. Ambedkar Government Arts College,Vyasarpadi - 225 beds
3.Theni - Mary Matha College of Arts and Science,Nallakaruppanpatti,Periyakulam - 100 beds
4.Tirunelveli - Government Siddha Medical College - 200 beds
5.Sivaganga - Swedish Mission Hospital,Tirupattur - 100 beds
6.Tenkasi - Sri Ram Nallamani Yadava Arts and Science College,Kodikurichi - 150 beds
7.Vellore - Thanthai Periyar Government Institute of Technology - 100 beds
8.Villupuram - Government Law College Ladies Hostel,Perumbakkam - 155 beds
9.Coimbatore - Codissia Complex - 100 beds
10.Tiruvannamalai - Old Government Hospital - 60 beds
11.Tirupattur - Government Polytechnic College Agraharam - 50 beds
12.Tiruvannamalai - Anna University,Arni - 80 beds
13.Tirunelveli - SCAD College of Engineering and Technology - 200 beds
14.Ranipet - Arcot Sri Mahalakshmi Women's College - 70 beds
15.Pudukkottai - Government Arts College for Women - 100 beds
16.Virudhunagar - AAA College of Engineering and Technology Hostel,Amathur-154 beds
17.Salem - Tamil Nadu State Agricultural Marketing Board Training Centre,Uthamacholapuram - 100 beds
18.Karur - Government Medical College Hospital Old Campus - 50 beds
19.Perambalur - Newly constructed residential complex for slum clearance in Kavulpalayam - 200 beds
20.Dindigul - Gandhigram University - 80 beds
21.Ramanathapuram - Syed Ammal Engineering College,Madurai-Rameswaram Road,Landai -
22.Ariyalur - Slum Clearance Residential Complex,Near Lakshmi Theatre-100 beds
23.Nagapattinam - EGS Pillay Engineering College,Old Nagore Road,Thethi-44 beds
24.Tirunelveli - Osborne Middle School,Palayamkottai
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Siddhadedicators webinar series 19Guest speaker:Dr.V.Vijayakumar,Ph.DTitle:An insight into pharmacopoeias.When: May 24, 2020 05:50 PM India Register in advance for this meeting:https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEldOqrqTkjGtdHRQYzztmF88uyjjpKo8AE After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
siddha varmam for Covid 19 patients
Siddha Varmam Therapy for COVID 19 patients.
Improvement steps to be taken in our old mother college.GSMC ,Tirunelveli. COVID 19-Siddha special care centres.
Great step taken Respected District collector Mam and Principal Incharge
Prof.Dr.A.Manoharan.MD (Siddha),sir and RMO Dr. Ramasamy sir. and team of teachers and CRRI, PG Scholars also interestely take participates .
External therapy for covid care center.
Varmam, Yogam, Fumigation, etc.
COVID 19- positive cases in covid care center in siddha medical college
@Palayamkottai,T.N. Two times given Kabasurakudineer and Siddha medicines. After completing the course of treatment pts were discharged satisfactorily. .
COVID 19-Siddha.
siddha covid centres came up in all districts in Tamilnadu State
Siddha treatment centres for COVID-19 to come up in all districts
Health Minister C. Vijayabhaskar inspecting the COVID-19 treatment block, which he inaugurated at Pudukottai Government Medical College Hospital on Saturday.
AUGUST 01, 2020 18:34 IST
UPDATED: AUGUST 01, 2020 18:34 IST
All districts in the State would soon have exclusive Siddha care centres for treating COVID-19 patients, Health Minister C.Vijayabhaskar said here on Saturday.
Asymptomatic COVID 19 positive patients and those with mild symptoms are provided treatment at the Siddha care centres. So far about 75,000 COVID 19 patients have been treated under the Indian medicine system in Tamil Nadu.
“We have been offering integrated treatment to COVID 19 patients in Tamil Nadu and Indian medicine systems play an important role in it. AYUSH doctors too have been extending treatment to the patients with dedication. Already we have established exclusive Siddha care centres for treating COVID-19 patients at 18 places. Soon we will extend the facility to all districts,” Dr. Vijayabhasakar told reporters after inaugurating a 100-bedded Siddha Care Centre for treating COVID-19 patients in Pudukottai.
Traditional food items and herbal concoctions were being given as part of the treatment to the patients at the centre. “The diet and treatment system have been largely welcomed by patients,” he said and added that integrated treatment was being given for patients at the government medical college hospitals too.
Earlier, speaking after inaugurating 250-bedded exclusive COVID 19 block at the Pudukottai Government Medical College Hospital, Dr.Vijayabhaskar said Tamil Nadu had the carried out the maximum testing for COVID 19 in the country with as many as 26,58,138 persons being tested till Friday. So far, 1,83,956 persons have been treated and discharged, which testifies to the effectiveness of the integrated treatment provided to the patients.
Laying stress on early diagnosis, he appealed to the public to approach hospitals even in case of mild symptoms such as fever, cold, cough, loss of sense of smell/taste, throat or body pain. “Only when the lungs are affected that doctors have to struggle to save the patient. Patients should not delay approaching the hospital, least of all out of the fear of stigma,” he observed.
He also disclosed that private hospitals had been instructed to continue to extend all medical services to the public. Private hospitals recognised for COVID 19 treatment have been instructed not to charge anything extra from patients treated under the Chief Minister’s Comprehensive Health Insurance Scheme. Action will be taken against private hospitals which charge more than the government stipulated rates for COVID-19 treatment.
Nearly 6,000 Covid patients cured through Siddha medicine in Tamil NaduSiddha treatment has helped to successfully treat 5,725 patients at 11 exclusive Siddha COVID-19 Care CentresThere is also a Kabusara tea concoction that was given to Covid positive patients which helped them to retain their lost sense of smellTopicsCoronavirus Tamil NaduCHENNAI : The traditional Siddha system of medicine has come in more than handy in the treatment of COVID-19 patients in Tamil Nadu with nearly 6,000 people being cured of the contagion in dedicated facilities across the state, official sources said on Monday.Siddha treatment has helped to successfully treat 5,725 patients at 11 exclusive Siddha COVID-19 Care Centres (CCC) in Tamil Nadu, including two in the metro, till August 7, the sources added.Chennai's Siddha CCC facilities at Jawahar Vidyalaya and Dr Ambedkar Government Arts College in Vyasarpadi, offering Siddha-based treatment for asymptomatic patients, handle high caseloads and they have treated nearly 3,200 patients as on August 7.While 434 patients are undergoing treatment in the two centres here, 715 persons are undergoing treatment at 12 Siddha CCC in the districts. Next to Chennai, Vellore has been handling the maximum number of positive cases, treating 1,258 people, sources pointed out.Apart from two Siddha CCCs in Theni, the exclusive centres function from Tiruvannamalai, Thachur, Vellore, Thirupathur, Ranipet, Tenkasi, Villupuram and Coimbatore. Two more centres were started at Salem and Pudukottai recently.Earlier, the state government had ordered "kabasura kudineer," a herbal concoction regarded as immune booster and capable of combating viral infections, to be included in the integrated approach. Chief Minister K Palaniswami had launched the 'Arokyam' special programme with AYUSH intervention for COVID-19 in April including Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy, to be included in the fight against COVID-19."It is very difficult to isolate the role of Siddha in treating the COVID-19 patients in order to quantify the percentage contributing to Tamil Nadu's recovery rate because Kabasura concoction is administered to patients, visitors and even medical professionals in all government CCCs in the state," said a senior official at the directorate of Indian Medicine.Moreover, Kabasura concoction is given regularly to the police, public and even the health and sanitation workers, as a precaution, he said.Mohammed Kasim, a ready-made garments outlet owner here, said "we are also apprehensive of the spread of the virus, but we take adequate precautions. In addition, we regularly consume Kabasura kudineer."According to an official with the Greater Chennai Corporation, the moment a Coronavirus positive case is identified, apart from disinfecting the area, "we distribute Kabasura concoction to all the families around the infected person's house. It is also given at the regular fever camps."Kritika of Pallavaram here, who lost her sense of smell, was quick to getting admitted to a Siddha CCC here."Within two days after consuming herbal tea and Kabasura concoction, I regained my sense of smell," she said and added that during her stay at the centre, she never felt like staying in a hospital."The doctors, nurses and those who served us food, were kind and caring," she added.A typical day at the Siddha CCC dawns with gargling using salt water, a session of Yoga, pranayama and mudra practice. The patients are also provided counselling.Their diet includes Thinai Pongal (a dish made with foxtail millet), Thuthuvalai thuvaiyal (Solanum Trilobatum), a medicinal plant food to address respiratory problems and Vazhaipoo poriyal (made with banana blossom).The patients are also given other herbal food preparation.As of Sunday, Tamil Nadu's cumulative tally of COVID- 19 cases stood at 2,96,901, including 2,38,638 recoveries
To rejuvenate the medical system of the most ancient civilization and most ancient language of the indian subcontinent in God's own counry which originated from the Kamandalu(Sacret pot) of Agasthiyar who lived in Agasthiyarkudam and attained Samadhi in Ananthasayanam (Thiruvananathapuram)
Siddha Medicine - A gift for the human being from Siddhars !
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