Friday, December 24, 2021
Every year on the eve of Agathiyar's birthday, which falls during the Ayilyam star of Margazhi Month, the National Institute of Siddha celebrates Siddha Day. On December 23, 2021, the Fifth Siddha Day celebration held in collaboration with the Central Council for Research in Siddha and the Directorate of Indian Medicine and Homeopathy, Government of Tamil Nadu, with the theme "Strength of Siddha Medicine for Communicable Diseases."The Chief Guest, Shri Sarbananda Sonowal, Minister of Ayush, Ports, Shipping and Waterways, Guests of Honor, MoS, for Ayush and WCD Dr. Munjpara Mahendrabhai, Shri. Maa. Subramanian, Minister of Health and Family Welfare Department, Government of Tamil Nadu, graced the auspicious occasion with their distinguished presence.Shri. Pramod Kumar Pathak, Special Secretary, Ministry of AYUSH, Dr. Manoj Nesari, Advisor Ayurveda, and Vaidya Jayant Yeshwant Deopujari, Chairperson National Commission for Indian System of Medicine, Shri. S. Ganesh is the Director of the Tamil Nadu Government's Directorate of Indian Medicine and Homeopathy all presided over the event. The welcoming message was made by Prof. Dr. K. Kanakavalli, Director General, CCRS, and the vote of gratitude was presented by Prof. Dr. R. Meenakumari, Director, NIS.
Thursday, December 23, 2021
Saturday, December 18, 2021
Live National WebinarRevisiting Traditional Wisdom with Scientific EvidenceDate : 21-12-21 Time : 3pmOrganised by : Sri Sri Institute For Advanced Research, BangaloreSiddha DaySiddhar Agathiyar is considered as the father of Siddha Medicine and was born in Star Ayilyam in the Tamil month of Margazhi. The Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of India has accorded approval for observing his birthday as Siddha Day every year. This year, the 5 th Siddha Day falls on 23rd December, 2021Sri Sri Institute For Advanced Research, Bangalore is organising a Live National Webinar on “Revisiting Traditional Wisdom with Scientific Evidence” on 21st of December 2021. Register yourself at Link will send to registered participants.Live on inquiries, please reach out on +91 9353625201 or write to us on
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Medicine in siddha
Definition of Medicine in Siddha said by Thirumoolar in Tirumantiram exactly matches with the 1948 Definition of health By WHO. Tradition and Medical science meets and got twined at many ends, it is only the Minds of Specialists which are yet to integrate.
Monday, December 13, 2021
Dear All, We are pleased to share with you the info of proposed Seminar of CCRS as a Pre Siddha Day event to be jointly organised with Nandha Siddha Medical College and Hospital at Erode on 18th December 2021. For Registration: #ZindagiRaheKhush #GunapadamTheKaleidoscopeofSiddhaMedicine #SRRIPuducherry #CCRS #Unite2FightCorona #5thSiddhaDay
“Workshop on Reporting ADR/MLA for Siddha Healthcare Sectors”Sir/Madam, We cordially invite you for the Pharmacovigilance workshop organized by the Peripheral Pharmacovigilance Centre (PPvC-001), Siddha Central Research Institute (Central Council for Research in Siddha, Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of India), Arumbakkam, Chennai.Date : 07 Oct. 2021Timing : 10.00 am onwardsVenue : Auditorium, 3rd Floor, Siddha Central Research Institute (CCRS), Arumbakkam, Chennai - 600106#PPvC001 #Pharmacovigilance #Siddha #CCRS #SCRI #Ayush #ZindagiRaheKush
#NIS 6 Days CME Program on Aruvai Maruthuvam (Siddha Surgery) & Para surgical procedures in Siddha Dept. of Sirappu Maruthuvam, NIS is organsing the 6 days CME Programme in the Topic "Aruvai Maruthuvam in Siddha-Surgery and Parasurgical procedures in Siddha" for the Siddha teaching Faculty from 13.12.2021 to 18.12.2021. This programme is sponsored by RAV, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India from 13/12/2021 to 18/12/2021.
Saturday, December 11, 2021
Siddha Medicinal Plants Garden, Mettur Dam cordially invite you all for the One day National Conference on ''Utilization of Advanced Techniques in Medicinal Plants Research and Raw Drug Quality Assessment " jointly organized by Siddha Medicinal Plants Garden, Mettur Dam, (CCRS, Chennai), and Excel Siddha Medical College and Research Centre, Komarapalayam to be held on 16th Dec.2021 at the Mini Auditorium of Excel Siddha Medical College and Research Centre, Komarapalayam, Namakkal District, Tamil Nadu. #AYUSH #CCRS #SIDDHA #ZindagiRaheKhush #SMPG #SiddhaDay #FifthSiddhaDay #PreSiddhaDayEvent # Nationalconference
Thursday, December 9, 2021
Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
As a part of 5th Pre -Siddha day event National Institute of Siddha conduct "Workshop on Clinical Application of Thirumoolar Pranayamam" on 08.12.2021 between 2.00pm to 4.00pm at Yoga hall. Dr.Sundar Balasubramaniyan, Asst.Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, medical university of South Carolina,USA will deliver the lecture and conduct training on Thirumoolar Pranayamam.#NIS #Siddha #AYUSH #ZindagiRaheKhush #5thSiddhaDay #SiddhaforCommunicableDiseases
Siddha Day 🌲Siddha For Public Health🌲MEDICATED WATER IN SIDDHA) Neer - a cost effective medicinal formulation mentioned in Siddha system, which can be used as healing agent in ophthalmic, uro-genital, ano- rectal, and wounds through irrigation and bath with negligible adverse effects. Neer is also used in peechu (Enema, Douch) for uro-genital and ano-rectal diseases. Herbal drugs and Mineral salts are soaked in water are made into a decoction to prepare medicated aqueous solution. It can also be used as an antiseptic solution precluding the use of expensive modern antiseptics.TYPES OF NEER AND ITS USES:Some of the commonly used neer formulation in Siddha medicine are, Padigara neer – Eye disease (Ophthalmic wash)Marukarai kudineer- Strengthens the teeth and gums. (Oral wash)Alisi vidhai ooral neer- Urinary obstruction, Leucorrhoea.( Urogenital wash) Kadukkai Kudineer- Arrest bleeding piles ( Ano rectal, uro genital wash, Leucorrhoea)Vengaara neer/ Veera neer – Cleaning Wounds (Wound wash).
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
The Fifth Siddha Day falls on 23rd December, 2021 on the birth star of Sage Agathiyar. In this connection, Central Council for Research in Siddha & National Institute of Siddha along with Directorate of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy is organizing a “National Conference on Strength of Siddha Medicine for Communicable Diseases” on 3rd & 4th December, 2021 at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore.Abstracts are invited for oral & poster presentation. For details below #ZindagiRaheKhush #AYUSH #Siddha #CCRS #AyushforImmunity #Ayushforlife #Immunityforall #healthandwellness #Unite2FightCorona #AyushAtAzadiKaAmritMahotsav#SiddhaDay #FifthSiddhaDay
Sunday, September 12, 2021
Tonsilitis in siddha Medicine
- Thayir Chundi churnam 2-5gm twice daily with butter milk.
- Tab. Thayir chundi 2-0-2
- Vilvathi Lehyam 5gm twice daily after food.
- Padikaara Chendooram 200mg Twice daily with Honey.
- Kariveppilai Kudineer 60ml with butter milk twice daily before food.
- Sangu Parpam 200mg twice daily with Honey.
- Annabedi chendooram 120 mg with Honey twice daily After food.
If constipation Present :
- Nilavagai churnam 5 gm at bed time with Hot water
- Tab. Nilavarai Churnam 2 at bed time
If Diarrhoa Present :
- Kabada Mathirai SOS
- Thayir Chundi churnam 2-5gm twice daily with butter milk.
IBS Treatment in Siddha
- Thayir Chundi churnam 2-5gm twice daily with butter milk.
- Tab. Thayir chundi 2-0-2
- Vilvathi Lehyam 5gm twice daily after food.
- Padikaara Chendooram 200mg Twice daily with Honey.
- Kariveppilai Kudineer 60ml with butter milk twice daily before food.
- Sangu Parpam 200mg twice daily with Honey.
- Annabedi chendooram 120 mg with Honey twice daily After food.
If constipation Present :
- Nilavagai churnam 5 gm at bed time with Hot water
- Tab. Nilavarai Churnam 2 at bed time
If Diarrhoa Present :
- Kabada Mathirai SOS
- Thayir Chundi churnam 2-5gm twice daily with butter milk.
Thursday, September 2, 2021
Saturday, August 28, 2021
Preparation of Madhulai Manappagu:Ingredients: 1. Madhulam Pazham Saru ( Pomegranate Juice) - 500 ml 2. Thaen ( Honey) - 500 ml 3. Panneer ( Rose Water) - 500 ml 4. Kalkandu (Sugar Candy) - 500 gms Process: Pomegranate fruit juice was taken and filtered. Equal quantities of rose water and sugar candy were added to the juice, mixed well and filtered. The filtrate was boiled and stirred frequently. When aroma aroused, fire was put down and was allowed to cool. After it had cooled, honey was added to the syrup and was collected and stored in a clean glass container. The container was sterilized with boiling hot water and then dried up in hot air oven. Dose and dispensing: 5 – 7.5 ml twice a day with water. Dispensed in clean and dry containers. Indications: Anaemia (Velluppu Noi), Peripheral neuritis.VomitingMorning Sickness
Sunday, August 15, 2021
Friday, August 6, 2021
National Testing Agency (NTA) is inviting online applications for All India Ayush Post Graduate Entrance Examination (AIAPGET) 2021 for admission to Postgraduate AYUSH Courses for the academic session 2021-22. For any queries or clarifications, candidates can call NTA Help Desk at 011 4075 900 or write to NTA at more information visit: or
Friday, July 23, 2021
ERUKKU (Calotropis gigantea)Erukku (Calotropis gigantea (L.) R. Br. Ex Ait. ). (Fam: Asclepiadaceae) is an important medicinal plant used in the Siddha System of Medicine. The medicinal use of the flower is reported as bile suppression, elimination of intestinal worms, coughs, colds and asthma. The leaf of the plant is used to treat skin ulcers, leprosy, etc. The latex of the plant is used as a violent purgative, gastrointestinal irritant and abortion inducer. It has also been used in the treatment of toothache, earache, headache, sprain and stiff joints.The chloroform extracts of leaf, flower and latex of C. gigantea were subjected to HPTLC and Ultra Violet-Visible spectroscopic analysis. The physico-chemical parameters, HPTLC finger prints and the spectra obtained can be considered as unique for the chloroform extract of leaf, flower and latex of C. gigantea.
Saturday, July 10, 2021
Thursday, July 8, 2021 in association with National Institute of Siddha (NIS) presentsContinuing Siddha Medical Education (CSME) - 1 (First Event) TOPIC: Orientation to Case Report writing for Siddha Medical PractitionersDate: 7th - 9th July 2021Number of Days : 3Hours: 7:30PM - 9:00PM (All three days)REGISTER TODAY : will get E-Certificate)
Saturday, May 22, 2021
32 Siddha External Therapies
32 #Siddha #External #Medicine/#Therapies
Like Tamil civilization and Tamil speaking people, our ancient Siddhars always thought differently and differed from others. The Siddhars differ from Vedam (Vedantham) and originated Siddham (Siddhantham). We can assure the Siddhars won't fully believe Veda and raised their voices against "false beliefs" which were not accepted by them. They widely used their wisdom to analyse the truth said in Veda, #accepted the most trusted and #rejected those were against community.
Like 32 Siddha Internal medicines, Siddhars compiled various external therapies into 32 different categories under Siddha #PURA #MARUTTHUVAM. Nowadays different kinds of external therapies are practiced all over the world, but we could not forget or refuse that their roots have been arisen from Tamil Medical System.
Siddha system is a fulfilled medical system having its 32 classical external therapies rather than other indigenous medical systems.
#Siddha #External #Therapy is an unsung area in Siddha Medical System. Each and every Siddha clinic should have a dedicated external therapy centre to uplift their practice👍
1. கட்டு
#KATTU (Compress or Bandage)
Application and covering of a specially prepared topical medicine made up of crude plants, birds, fermented water or inorganic substances on the affected area is known as Kattu. This procedure is usually done for three times, at an interval of 3-7 days. It essentially a procedure of fresh bandaging of crude or boiled plants, birds in vinegar and inorganic salts on the affected places of the body. In general Kattu is the method of applying a strip of material such as climber, whole plant, boiled bird skin, fermented water or inorganic substances on the affected area to protect, immobilize, compress, or support a wound, swelling, abscess or injured body part.
2. பற்று
#PATRU (Semi-Solid Poultice)
According to Therayar Patru is a method of applying fine powder or crude drugs grinded with an appropriate liquid as a semi solid poultice and warmed gently or boiled before applying it on the affected area. It is defined as one of a heat therapy by Therayar. It is generally use in the diseased conditions like swellings and abscesses. Eventhough Patru is not practiced under heat therapy, it is mandatory to warm the Patru before application for good prognosis.
3. ஒற்றடம்
#OTRADAM (Fomentation)
In general Otradam is prepared and administered as follows. The required plant parts, grains and others are put in a container, fried or boiled or heated and then tied in a cloth bag. The bag is put on the affected areas and then gently compressed and released in a rhythemic manner for few minutes or till the heat subsides. It is also called as Otral. Bronze, iron, rod, sand, cloth, mud vessel are also heated and used for fomentation to give relief from pain. It may be defined as a method of rhythemic compression and relaxation of a hot or cold paste or cloth bags or vessels on the affected areas.
4. பூச்சு
#POOTCHU (Liquid Poultice)
Pootchu is defined as the topical application of medicated oils or herbal juices, decoctions after warming them gently. It may be also prepared by dissolving the herbal powders or tablets into a juice or oil and then used. Generally it is slowly applied on the affected areas and then gently smeared for few minutes or till the heat subsides.
5. வேது
#VEDHU (Steaming)
Vedhu is defined as a method of stimulation of sweat using pain or medicated steam. It is otherwise called as Sweat therapy. It relieves hypersensitivity of hair follicles, pricking pain and organ spasm. It relaxes and brings softness to the spastic organs. It rids chronic Vali diseases (Neurological disorders).
6. பொட்டணம்
#POTTANAM (Bundle application)
Pottanam is defined as a method of medicated powders put in a cloth bundle, tied well and kept on the affected areas or smelt or dipped in a liquid medicine and then kept on the affected areas. It may also stimulate sweat on the treatment sites. It is otherwise called as medicated pouch or bundle fomentation. It relieves Vadha diseases.
7. தொக்கணம்
#THOKKANAM (Massage manipulation)
Thokkanam is a method of manipulation and mobilization of the affected areas using hidden vital points (Varma pulli) i.e. energy points. According to Therayar Thokku means muscle and Anam means Hugging. In this method the physician or the therapist touching, manipulating, percussing the affected areas of the patient by one or more among nine methods described by Therayar Tharu. Thokkanam rids chronic Vali diseases (Neurological disorders). It is otherwise called as Marthanam. It is a special external therapy to treat Vaadha diseases (Neruo muscular diseases) and specially employed for stroke, sprain, dislocation, muscle weakness, pain arisen from other diseases.
8. புகை
#PUGAI (Medicated Fumigation)
Pugai is defined as a method of fumigation in which the medicated fume is generated by burning the drugs directly or putting the drugs into the fire.
9. மை
#MAI (Medicated eye salve)
Mai is defined as a soft external application mostly lined on the eye lashes in smaller quantity to treat eye diseases. Lining of eye lashes is usually performed by a specific probe. Mai is otherwise called as Anjanam.
10. பொடி திமிர்தல்
#PODI THIMIRTHAL (Powder massage)
Podithimirthal is defined as a method in which dry herbal powder is applied over the affected skin or all over the body then peeled out gently after some time by rolling method.
11. கலிக்கம்
#KALIKKAM (Liquid ophthalmic application)
Kalikkam is defined as a method of ophthalmic liquid application (Eye drops). Kalikkam is prepared by crushing and extracting the liquid juice from fresh plant parts or packed in a cloth and soaked in a liquid and then the liquid juice extracted. The extracted juice is instilled into eyes. Kalikkam (Ophthalmic drops) is first instilled into left eye and then into right eye. Generally Kalikkam is instilled into medial eyelid of the eye upto 1-5 drops. Kalikkam is a method employed to treat aquous type of eye diseases, Iya humour diseases and various complex diseases, of the eye. Kalikkam is widely employed in unconscious patients during emergency medical care.
12. நசியம்
#NASIYAM (Liquid nasal application)
Nasiyam is a method of instilling liquid into both nostrils. Fresh plant parts are crushed and filtered or boiled and filtered or the semisolid prepared medicine is dissolved in solution and filtered or prepared fatty oil is instilled into nostrils. It is widely employed to treat the diseases of ear, nose and throat and strengthens the organs above neck.
13. ஊதல்
#UTHAL (Medicated aerosol)
Uthal is a method of blowing air from the mouth towards ear, eyes etc., after chewing few leaves or raw drugs. Uthal may be performed towards septic wounds, ulceration in the anal canal using a blow pipe filled with medicines.
14. நாசிகாபரணம்
#NASIKAPARANAM (Powder nasal application)
Nasikaparanam is defined as the method of application of dry nasal powder into nostrils. It is otherwise called as nasal snuff or nasal powder. Dry raw drugs are crushed, finely powdered and filtered using a fine cloth. The fine powder about Panai edai (488 mg) is used to apply.
15. களிம்பு
#KALIMBU (Ointment application)
Kalimbu is defined as the buffer of oil and water, compounded with specific drug powders. It is otherwise called as Kuzhambu. The raw drugs are finely powered and gently grinded with appropriate oil substance or butter. The grinded drug is rubbed and washed with water. Kalimbu is entirely different from Vennai drug which is already used using butter. Kalimbu is effective in treating chronic ulcers, serious not healing ulcers. Strong corrosive alkaline medicines are generally used to treat chronic ulcers and the medicines may cause corrosive reactions. Kalimbu medicines nullify the unwanted effects of caustic drugs due to their butter and ghee contents.
16. சீலை
#SEELAI (Plaster application)
Seelai is defined as the method of smearing poisonous medicinal drugs grinded with appropriate oil substance on a sterile cloth to make a plaster. It is otherwise called as Pattikattal, Pattithuni, Ottumthuni, Salla or Plasthiri.
The prepared medicated plaster is administered as per requirement. It is applied on the affected area by gently heating or with out heating the plaster. Gingelley oil and castor oil is commonly used to prepare plasters.
17. நீர்
#NEER (Medicated solution)
Neer is defined as the method of soaking the drugs into the water or making a decoction or dissolving the dry powder into water or mixing the plant juice into the water and the filtered solution is applied on the affected area to treat or wash.
18. வர்த்தி
#VARTHI (Medicated pessary)
Varthi is defined as a medicated plug in which the appropriate drugs are grinded well and rolled as plug and used to be inserted into an opening. Varthi may also be called as Thiri or wick or pessary. The plug may also be prepared by smearing the dissolved drugs or heated medicated oil on a cloth wick or cotton wick. Varthi may be performed to treat septic wounds, vaginal diseases, penile ulcers, chronic constipation and ano rectal diseases. Varthi is also used as annual pessary to excrete fecal matter in chronic constipation. It is otherwise called as medicated thiri.
19. சுட்டிகை
#SUTTIGAI (Cautery cauterization)
Suttigai is defined as the destruction of tissue using a hot instrument. The method of destruction tissue using a hot instrument is known as cauterization. Many corrosive chemicals, hot metals, heated wood or stone, hot sun rays and hot air also can destroy the unwanted tissue and widely used to necrotize the warts, corns and to stop bleeding from injured or incised wounds.
20. சலாகை
#SALAGAI (Surgical probing)
Salagai is defined as a probing therapy using a surgical probe to destruct and clean the detoriated tissue using a long instrument. The method of cleaning the infected tissue using a long probe is known as Salagai.
21. பசை
#PASAI (Embrocation application)
Pasai is defined as the mixture of medicated powders with specific oil and melted honey bee wax. In general pasai is prepared by adding honey bee wax with few medicinal powders. Its physical property is almost similar with wax or gum. It is otherwise called as lepam or servai or mezhugu. During the preparation of Pasai paraffin wax is not generally used, because honey bee is better than paraffin wax.
22. களி
#KALI (Cataplasm paste application)
Kali is defined as an application and covering of a specially prepared topical medicine made up of a rice flour or flour of any cereals or pulses cooked well. It is topically applied to treat swelling, abscess, lymphadenitis etc.
23. பொடி
#PODI (Medicated dust or Powder application)
Podi is defined as the finely powdered raw drugs used to sprinkle on the affected areas. It is dusted over the chronic weeping or purulent wounds.
24. முறிச்சல்
#MURICHAL (Bone re-breaking and re-setting)
Murichal is the method of physical manipulation by which the dislocated bone, joint or mal-union bone are brought to their normal position by re-breaking and re-setting. It may need local or nerve block anesthesia for breaking and resetting.
25. கீறல்
#KEERAL (Incisions and Draining)
Deeral is defined as a incisions and draining with a small incisions done on the abcess and drain the exudates.
26. காரம்
#KAARAM (Chemical cauterization)
Karram is defined as a method of inducing blisters or ulcers or dissolving the cutaneous tissue on the particular area where the unsighty warts or unwanted growth are present. It helps to destruct the tissue using a caustic and corrosive chemical. The method of destruction of tissue using a hot chemical like latex, sodium carbonate, alum helps to complete removal of tissue and also prevents the recurrence.
27. அட்டைவிடல்
#ATTAI VIDAL (Leech Application)
Leech Therappy is the method of keeping medicinal leech over the affected area to absorb the blood.
28. அறுவை
#ARUVAI (Surgical application)
Aruvai or Surgery is defined as the method of removing or repairing the affected organs by using surgical instruments.
29. கொம்புகட்டல்
#KOMBU KATTAL (Bone setting by supporting)
Kombu Kattal is defined as the method of fixing wood or steel or hard rods over the bone fractures or dislocated joints as a support to ascertain immobilization and reunion.
30. உறிஞ்சல்
#URINJAL (Needle or pipe aspiration)
Urinjal is defined as the method of aspiration by means of fine needle or suction by means of long probe to aspirate and excise the unwanted fluid in the mass or opening.
31. குருதி வாங்கல்
#KURUTHI VAANGAL (Instrumental blood letting)
Kuruthivaangal is defined as the method of leading and removing the excess blood in specific areas. It is commonly known as instrumental blood letting.
#Information #Compilation:
Dr J Jeyavenkatesh MD Siddha, PhD,
Kokila Siddha Hospital and Research Centre,
27, Jaihindpuram First Street,
Madurai 625011
32. பீச்சு
#PEETCHU (Douche application)
Peetchu is the method of insertion of liquid medicines to excrete or wash the internal organs using a piston and pipe. The instrument used to perform Peetchu is called as Peetchu karuvi.
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Saturday, May 8, 2021
Siddha covid medicine kapha jwara kudineer national wide distribution Ingural ceremany by Ayush Ministry, Govt. of India
The Ministry of Ayush is launching a Nationwide distribution campaign tomorrow, that is, on 7 May 2021 for its polyherbal drugs, AYUSH 64 and Kabasura Kudineer, for the benefit of the vast majority of out of hospital Covid 19 patients, at 12 PM.
The efficacy of both these drugs in the management of asymptomatic, mild & moderate cases of Covid 19 has been proved through robust multi-centred clinical trials.
You can watch the live-streaming of this important event on the YouTube of the Ministry of Ayush.
The multi-stakeholder campaign which is being launched by Shri Kiren Rijiju, Hon’ble Minister of State, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports and Minister ( in-charge) Ministry of Ayush, will ensure that the medicines reach the needy in a transparent and efficient manner.
Further, this campaign which aims to help control and mitigate the Covid 19 situation in the country, will have Sewa Bharti as its main collaborator.
PMO India Shripad Naik Kiren Rijiju Press Information Bureau - PIB, Government of India MyGov Corona Hub
Friday, May 7, 2021
Thursday, May 6, 2021
Adathodai Kudineer is a popular formulation in #Siddha system of medicine. It helps fight viral infections and protects the respiratory system. It is beneficial in conditions like cough (erumal), chronic cough (naalpatta erumal), wheezing (swasa eluppu), throat pain (thondai vali) and fever (suram) due to phlegm. #SiddhaDay2021 #SiddhaDay
Siddha medicine clinical experience sharing for covid 19 by Dr. Shafana Praveen
Before 10 days my husband was covid- positive, he temperature was 103, medicine given was kabasura kudineer chooranam and mahasudarsana chooranam, BB pills, after giving medicine temperature reduced to 100 again after 4 hrs will rise to 103, after 3 days fever got reduced , severe vomiting 6 times /day , neikuri seen it was pitha kabam so medicines changed to adathodai kashayam and ss pills, vomit got stop immediately, then next day severe body pain and head ache vathasura kudineer was given, in single day pain got vanished, next day loss of smell and taste lavangathi chooranam + kasa ulanthagan+ vajrakandi, KABASURA KUDINEER was given, in next two days all smell and taste was ok, then he felt extreme tired even to walk , poornachandrodaiyam was given next two days... now he has no symptoms, and covid- negative... thank u soo much Dr.mamallan sir who treated my husband, all symptoms got vanished in sudden change of medicines, thank you Siddhars
Dr. Shafana praveen
Saturday, May 1, 2021
Friday, April 16, 2021
To rejuvenate the medical system of the most ancient civilization and most ancient language of the indian subcontinent in God's own counry which originated from the Kamandalu(Sacret pot) of Agasthiyar who lived in Agasthiyarkudam and attained Samadhi in Ananthasayanam (Thiruvananathapuram)
Siddha Medicine - A gift for the human being from Siddhars !
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